Creating a Broadband Noise Model (1 Parameter)

This procedure describes how to create a broadband noise model file controlled by one parameter from a signal and its associated control profile.

Prerequisites: You must already have a sound file (a recording or simulation) of the target noise for the model. This sound will have an associated profile that enables the software to estimate the broadband model.
To create a model of a broadband noise source signal:
  1. Open the existing noise signal. This signal must be associated with a profile (See Associating a Profile with a Signal) that enables you to estimate a broadband model which describes the sound depending on a specific parameter, such as "meters per second".
  2. Choose Modules > Sound Composer > Create a broadband noise model (1-control parameter) from current window from the menu bar.
    The Broad Band Noise Model Creation dialog box is displayed.
  3. You can choose which currently-opened signal to use from the Select signal drop-down menu.
  4. Select the control parameter of the model from the drop-down menu.
    The minimum and maximum values of the controlling parameter are displayed in the Min - Max line of the dialog box as a reference.
  5. Enter an Starting point for the controlling parameter. This value does not need to be within the profile of the source. For example, if the minimum value in the source is 5 m/s you may enter an initial value of "0".
  6. Enter an Increment step.
  7. If you would like to set advanced parameters, press the Advanced parameters button in the dialog box.
    Additional fields are displayed in the dialog box for Frequency resolution and Window length. Values you enter in these fields can help during the estimation of the model.
    • The Frequency Resolution is the step size between frequencies in the model.
    • The Window length is the sample size used to set the time resolution of the model.
  8. Click the Save button.
    You are asked to enter a filename and location.
  9. Click Save again to save the model to a file. Make sure to give the model file a descriptive name and store it in a location where you will be able to find it later.
A broadband noise model with one parameter can also be created manually by filling a text file with a series of spectra, according to the expected file format described in Broadband Noise Sources.