Amplifying/Attenuating a Selection in a Signal

This procedure shows how to increase or decrease the gain in dB of a selection in a signal.

To Amplify or Attenuate a Selection in a Signal:

  1. Open a temporal signal or time-frequency representation.
  2. Click Cursor management .
  3. Click and drag the temporal signal or time-frequency representation to select the area to be amplified/reduced in dB.
  4. Click Edit > Amplify/deamplify selection.
  5. In the Gain box, type a positive value for the gain in dB to amplify the selection.
    Figure 1. On the left, the area to be amplified is selected. On the right, the selection is amplified.

    Otherwise, type a negative value for the gain in dB to decrease the level of the selection.

    Figure 2. On the left, the area to be attenuated is selected. On the right, the selection is attenuated.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Play to listen to the amplified/attenuated signal.

The selection is amplified or attenuated depending on your selection.

Tip: To undo the effect or modification, click Menu > Undoor press Ctrl+Z.