Opening a File

This procedure shows how to load a temporal signal, a spectrum or a time-frequency representation.

To Open a File:

Prerequisites: The files must conform to the file formats.
  1. If you want to load a temporal signal, spectrum or a time-frequency representation:
    1. Go to File > Open.
    2. From Windows File Explorer, select a file.
    3. Click Open to display the file in a dedicated window.

      The temporal signal, spectrum or time-frequency representation is opened.

  2. If you want to load a temporal signal with a channel on Least Significant Bit (LSB):
    1. Go to File > Open WAV with a channel on LSB.
    2. In the Open dialog box, select the signal.
    3. Click Open.
    4. From the signal dialog box, select the channel to be opened on LSB.
    5. Click OK.

      The temporal signal is opened with another channel encoded on the LSB bit.

      Note: This Least Significant Bit is usually used for the storage of the Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) information and the speed information.
  3. If you want to open a spectrum to generate a signal from it, go to:
  4. If you want to import samples from text or csv file:
    1. Go to File > Import samples from text file.
    2. In the Open dialog box, select the sample.
    3. Click Open.
      Note: Files created by Ansys Fluent in the *.out format are supported here.
    4. In the Open text file dialog, set the Unit.
    5. Choose either to Select a "time" column to read for time information, or to Enter sampling frequency manually. If the time steps in the "time" column are not constant, the data will be resampled by the smallest time step. No accuracy will be lost, but this may greatly increase the size of the data. If your text file does not contain time information, you will need to enter a sampling frequency.
    6. To import all the columns included in the *.txt or *.csv file, leave the Select/Unselect all box checked. To use only some data from the imported sample file, clear the Select/Unselect all box and check the box for each column of data you want to use.
    7. Click OK.

    The sample is imported and the Time-Domain Window opens.

  5. If you want to import a spectrum from text file (beta):
    1. Go to File > Import spectrum from text file.
    2. In the Open dialog box, select the spectrum file.
    3. Click Open.
    4. In the Spectrum import window:
      1. Specify the column that contains the frequencies.
      2. Check the names of the spectra that you want to import.
      3. Specify the unit column, and edit the unit if it is absent or incorrect.
      4. If the unit of the spectrum in a logarithmic scale (dB, dBA, dBSPL, etc.), then check the dB Scale check box.
        Warning: If you do not check this box for a dB scale, some unit changes in the spectrum window may not work as expected.
      5. Press the green tickmark button at the top right corner of the window to proceed with the import.
      Important: All spectra in Ansys Sound: Analysis and Specification must have an equally spaced frequency vector. Consequently, every spectrum imported from a text file is interpolated toward a 0.5 Hz spaced vector of frequencies, going from 0 Hz to the maximum frequency found in the frequency column.
      Note: The name of the spectrum is automatically filled with the name of the column in the text file. When no name is found, "Column X" is used, where X is the number of the column.
      Tip: You can use the table to check the validity of data before the import.
  6. If you want to import a frequency response from a text file:
    1. Go to File > Import a frequency response from a text file....
    2. In the Open dialog box, select the text file.
    3. Click Open.
    The frequency response opens in a new window.
    Note: For more details on frequency response text file, see File Formats. For more details about frequency filtering, see Filtering a Sound.

The file is opened in the editor.

Tip: To select several signals, press Ctrl and click the required signals. To select all signals in a folder, press Ctrl+A.
Note: From File > Preferences, go to the Miscellaneous tab, you can configure how temporal and spectral files are opened.