Excluding Participants

This section shows how to remove inconsistent participant data from the analysis.

Note: In some cases, some participants may exhibit divergent rating trends. This can have different causes:

- Technical problem during the listening test

- Instructions misunderstanding (for example, participants sometimes invert the rating scale)

- Obviously inconsistent ratings or behaviour during the listening test

In such cases, the results of these participants may cloud the main conclusions of the listening test, as this rating divergence increases ratings’ dispersion, and therefore limits the statistical power of the analysis conducted. When this happens, it might be preferable to set these results aside, to reveal relevant information about the effects observed in the analysis.

However, it is advised to consider such participant results’ removal carefully, as it might introduce a bias in the analysis, and to generally keep at least 80 or 90 % of the entire participant panel.

To Exclude Participants:

Note: Project Manager task.
Prerequisites: You need to create or open an analysis project.
  1. In the Navigation panel, select Participants management.
  2. Click a participant row.
  3. Click the cross.
  4. When prompted, click OK to confirm the removal for the selected participant's answer.

The selected participant's answers are excluded.