Parameters of Scattering Surface

From Scattering Surface Curve, you can set the following parameters:


  • View shading to display a shading view of the intensity envelope.

  • View Mesh to display the intensity envelope with wireframe.

  • Pure Lambertian curve to display the pure Lambertian curve.

  • Incident direction to display the incident direction.

  • Tangent plane to display the tangent plane.

  • Axis System to display the axis System.

  • Decorations to display the 3D view tool.

    For more details, you can view Using 3D view tool.

  • BRDF to display the BRDF.

  • Probability density to display the probability density.

  • Logarithmic View to display the logarithmic view.

Note: By clicking , you can edit 3D view preferences.


With Incidence group box, you can view the incidence dependency (theta and phi).


With Wavelength group box, you can view the wavelength dependency.

Optical Properties

With Optical properties group box, you can modify optical properties.

Anisotropy Vector

Note: Position of the Anisotropy vector by default is [X=1; Y=0; Z=0] and is linked to the coordinates system of the Main assembly.
  1. Check how your part with anisotropic property is located and oriented depending of your CSYS of your main assembly.

  2. Modify the angle by transferring Matrix between the main coordinates and the local one (your part).

    Your vector will be calculated and set in the Anisotropy vector.


  3. Create, into your part, the vector (line or axis) that you want to have for the orientation of your reference (0° anisotropic angle on your surface).

    Use the information of your line referenced into the main assembly.

Note: If you have several iterations of your anisotropic part oriented in several position/orientation into your main assembly, you need to break the link and to set different anisotropy parameters, saved into several files, linked to their location.
Note: Positioning a non linear anisotropy is not possible.