Fields of View

This page describes the Fields of View result, obtained from a LiDAR simulation and helps you understand how the grid sampling can impact result visualization.

Field of View

The Fields of view allow to project in the 3D view a visualization grid of the source, sensor and LIDAR fields of view (the LiDAR field of view being the overlap of the source and the sensor fields of view).
Note: Projected grids are generated for solid-state LiDAR simulations only (LiDAR simulations using a Static LiDAR sensor).

You can edit the visualization of the LiDAR Projected Grids.

You can export the projected grids as geometry to convert them into construction lines.

  • The Source Field of View represents the illuminated area.
  • The Sensor Field of View represents the area observed by the sensor.
  • The LiDAR Field of View is the overlap of the Source and Sensor Fields of View.

Grid Sampling

The quality of the projected grid depends on the source and sensor sampling. With an approximate sampling, you may miss some thin geometries or get an inaccurate grid on geometries' edges.

Sensor Grid Sampling

Below are examples of the level of accuracy obtained depending on the sampling precision.

Figure 1. Poor sampling level - The pixel corner 2 does not intersect any geometry. The last edge is not drawn.
Figure 2. Intermediate sampling level - The sub-pixel’s sample intersects the ground. An edge is drawn, but passing through the object.
Figure 3. High sampling level - The sub-pixel’s sample intersects the ground and the object. The displayed pixel edge takes into account the ground and the object intersection.

Source Grid Sampling

The shape of the source grid can be impacted by its sampling.

To project the source, samples are taken at different positions with a regular step. A high number of samples improves the accuracy and reduces the risk of error.

Note: Only samples having an intensity higher than the defined threshold are taken into account.
Note: Angles of lower and upper bound of the Field of View can change with the sampling.

Depending on the sampling and shape of the intensity, this difference can be noticeable on the projected grid results.