Simulation Compatibility

This page describes which sources and sensors are compatible with the different types of simulation.

CPU Simulations

Simulation Source Sensor

Interactive Simulation

Interactive Source

Ray File Source

Surface Source

Luminaire Source

Display Source

Light Field source

Irradiance Sensor

Intensity Sensor

Radiance Sensor

3D Irradiance Sensor

Camera Sensor

Direct Simulation

Ray File Source8

Surface Source

Luminaire Source

Ambient Source1

Display Source

Light Field source

Irradiance Sensor

Intensity Sensor

Radiance Sensor7

3D Irradiance Sensor

3D Energy Density Sensor

VR Immersive Sensor7

VR Observer sensor7

Human Eye Sensor7

Light Field sensor

Light Expert Group6

Physical Camera

Inverse Simulation

Surface Source

Luminaire Source

Ambient Source

Display Source5

Light Field source

Irradiance Sensor

Radiance Sensor2

VR Observer sensor

Human Eye Sensor

Camera Sensor3,4

Physical Camera

Warning: During an Inverse simulation only, the first pixel of a sensor determines the medium in which the sensor is. Make sure the sensor does not overlap with two different media at the same time, otherwise you may generate propagation errors and wrong result.
Warning: Issue when sensor pixel size is larger than the size of geometry, in Inverse simulation only:
  • At the beginning of the simulation, a visibility map is computed. To compute it, a ray is launched at the center of each pixel of the sensor to know if the ray has intersected geometries or not.
  • During the simulation, rays are randomly emitted on all the surface of the pixel. If a ray emitted (during the visibility map computation) in the center of a pixel intersects no geometry, all rays emitted in that pixel will never intersect geometries.

This may then generate propagation errors and wrong result.

To solve this issue, you may use a sensor with smaller pixels.

1When ambient and/or environment sources are enabled for direct simulation, only 2D and 3D irradiance sensors are taken into account.

2Only for colorimetric and spectral radiance sensors.

3 The SPEOS Lens System model (.OPTDistortion v2 version) is not compatible with a deterministic algorithm in inverse simulation.

4An Inverse Simulation, with Timeline deactivated and using a Camera Sensor, only generates a HDRI file (*.hdr).

5Inverse Simulations using Display Sources are not compatible with the FTG option activated (Fast Transmission Gathering).

Note: Geometries are embedded in the simulation even if not selected from the geometries list. For example, if a 3D Texture element is selected for simulation, its associated support body is also embedded in the simulation even if the support body was not selected as geometry.

6Only one Light Expert Group can be added to a Direct simulation.

7When a Direct simulation is composed of a sensor using the Gathering algorithm (Radiance, Human Eye, Observer, Immersive), and a polarizing surface state (unpolished, coated, polarizer, polar plate, optical polished, plugin, polar anisotropic surface), simulation results might not be accurate due to the fact that gathering does not take into account the polarization of the ray, acting as if the ray is unpolarized.

8When using a Ray File source in simulation, make sure all rays start from the same medium. Otherwise you will have an unrealistic behavior and may face differences between GPU and CPU simulations.

GPU Simulations

For an exhaustive list of GPU Solver limitations and non-compatibility, see GPU Simulation Limitations.

  • Files, components, sources or sensors that are not listed in the following table are not compatible with GPU Simulations.
  • GPU Simulations use the Monte Carlo algorithm.
  • GPU Simulations simulate all sensors at once.

    CAUTION: As all sensors are loaded into memory at the same time, the Video RAM might become saturated when using many sensors.
Warning: Propagation errors are not managed by GPU simulations. This may lead to inconsistent results between CPU and GPU simulations. For instance, when a Surface Source is considered as tangent to a body.




Direct Simulation

Ray File Source7

Surface Source

Luminaire Source

Ambient Source1

Display Source

Irradiance Sensor

Intensity Sensor

Radiance Sensor6

3D Irradiance Sensor

VR Immersive Sensor6

VR Observer sensor6

Human Eye Sensor6

Inverse Simulation

Surface Source

Luminaire Source

Ambient Source

Display Source5

Irradiance Sensor

Radiance Sensor2

VR Immersive Sensor

VR Observer sensor

Camera Sensor3,4

Human Eye Sensor

1When ambient and/or environment sources are enabled for direct simulation, only 2D and 3D irradiance sensors are taken into account.

2Only for colorimetric and spectral radiance sensors.

3Camera Sensors using dynamic parameters (Trajectory file and Acquisition parameters) in an Inverse Simulation using the Timeline is compatible with the GPU Compute.

4An Inverse Simulation, with Timeline deactivated and using a Camera Sensor, only generates a HDRI file (*.hdr).

5Inverse Simulations using Display Sources are not compatible with the FTG option activated (Fast Transmission Gathering).

6When a Direct simulation is composed of a sensor using the Gathering algorithm (Radiance, Human Eye, Observer, Immersive), and a polarizing surface state (unpolished, coated, polarizer, polar plate, optical polished, plugin, polar anisotropic surface), simulation results might not be accurate due to the fact that gathering does not take into account the polarization of the ray, acting as if the ray is unpolarized.

7When using a Ray File source in simulation, make sure all rays start from the same medium. Otherwise you will have an unrealistic behavior and may face differences between GPU and CPU simulations.

Note: Geometries are embedded in the simulation even if not selected from the geometries list. For example, if a 3D Texture element is selected for simulation, its associated support body is also embedded in the simulation even if the support body was not selected as geometry.

Speos Live Preview

For an exhaustive list of GPU Solver limitations and non-compatibility, see GPU Simulation Limitations.

Important: The compatibility between the Live Preview and VR Immersive/Observer sensor is in BETA mode for the current release.
  • Files, components, sources or sensors that are not listed in the following table are not compatible with Speos Live Preview.
  • Speos Live Preview is not compatible with propagation in ultraviolet or infrared.
  • Speos Live Preview simulations use the Monte Carlo algorithm.
Simulation Source Sensor Materials and Components

Direct Simulation

Ray File Source

Surface Source

Luminaire Source

Display Source

Irradiance Sensor

Intensity Sensor1

Radiance Sensor

VR Immersive Sensor4

VR Observer sensor4

Human Eye Sensor

Speos Light Box, BSDF 180 file (*.bsdf180), Unpolished file (*.unpolished), Perfect/rough colored mirror files (*.mirror),

Anisotropic BSDF file (*.anisotropicbsdf), spectral intensity maps (when used as input of a surface source definition)

Complete scattering file - BRDF (*.brdf), Coating file (*.coated),

Advanced Scattering file (*.scattering), Simple Scattering file (*.simplescattering), Mirror, Lambertian and Optical Polished built-in models, Non-fluorescent material (*.material) files

*.speos360 file

Inverse Simulation

Surface Source

Luminaire Source

Ambient Source

Display Source3

Irradiance Sensor

Radiance Sensor1

Camera Sensor2

VR Immersive Sensor

VR Observer sensor

Human Eye Sensor

1Intensity Sensors with Near Field activated are not supported.

2Camera Sensors using dynamic parameters (Trajectory file and Acquisition parameters) in an Inverse Simulation using the Timeline is compatible with the Live Preview.

3Inverse Simulations using Display Sources are not compatible with the FTG option activated (Fast Transmission Gathering).

4When a Direct simulation is composed of a sensor using the Gathering algorithm (Radiance, Human Eye, Observer, Immersive), and a polarizing surface state (unpolished, coated, polarizer, polar plate, optical polished, plugin, polar anisotropic surface), simulation results might not be accurate due to the fact that gathering does not take into account the polarization of the ray, acting as if the ray is unpolarized.