Creating an *.OPTSequence File for a Physical Camera Sensor

The following page presents you the workflow on how to create an *.OPTSequence file to be used in a Physical Camera sensor.

To create an *.OPTSequence file:

  1. Create a Speos Light Box Export containing all the geometries related to the lens system (lenses, opto-mechanics, etc.)
    You can also do an OpticStudio Import to define the geometries of the Light Box.
    1. Define the Axis System of the Light Box so that the optical axis of the lens system follows the Z axis.
      The origin of the axis system must be located with a small offset from the first geometry face. For more details, refer to Understanding the Physical Camera Parameters.
    2. Define if the Light Box is black-boxed or not.
      Note: A black-boxed Light Box will not be supported with a Light Expert Analysis.
    3. Compute the Light Box Export.
  2. Create an Irradiance sensor:
    1. Position the Irradiance sensor in the scene considering the lens system defined in the Light Box, which is usually placed in front of it.
    2. Select the Planar integration type.
    3. Select Sequence as Layer type and define sequences per Faces.
      This will allow to generate the *.OPTSequence file to be used later in the Physical Camera sensor.
  3. Create a Physical Camera in which you will add the Light Box containing the lens system, and the Irradiance sensor (with Layer defined by Sequences and Sequences defined per Faces).
  4. Compute the Physical Camera.
  5. Create a Direct or an Inverse simulation:
    1. Make sure the Dispersion is activated.
    2. Add the Physical Camera.
      Note: Light Expert is not compatible when the Physical Camera uses a black-boxed Light Box.
    3. Add geometries and sources.
      The ability of the *.OPTSequence file to be generated to solve optical paths highly depends on the source setup you will add here. For more information, refer to Understanding the Physical Camera Parameters.
    Important: The *.OPTSequence file depends on the simulation type. An *OPTSequence file generated with a Direct simulation can only be used as input in a Direct simulation. The same rule goes for the Inverse simulation.
  6. Run the simulation.
The *.OPTSequence file is automatically generated and can be then added as input to the Physical Camera sensor.