4.8. Dealing with a Firewall in a Multi-Node Ansys RSM Cluster (ARC)

If you have set up a firewall to protect computer ports that are connected to the Internet, traffic from the master node to the execution nodes (and vice versa) may be blocked. To resolve this issue, you must enable ports on cluster nodes to allow incoming traffic, and then tell each node what port to use when communicating with other nodes.

There are three port values that you can set:

CommandCommunicationPort: The port on the master and execution nodes that allows incoming commands such as arcsubmit and arcstatus to be read. By default, port 11251 is used.
MasterCommunicationPort: The port on the master node that allows incoming traffic from execution nodes. By default, port 12251 is used.
NodeCommunicationPort: The port on the execution node that allows incoming traffic from the master node. By default, port 13251 is used.

To specify port numbers for ARC cluster nodes to use:

Windows: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]\bin directory:

rsm.exe appsettings AnsysRSMCluster <PortName> <PortValue>

Linux: Run the following command in the [RSMInstall]/Config/tools/linux directory:

rsmutils appsettings AnsysRSMCluster <PortName> <PortValue>

For example, to set the value of the node communication port to 14251 on Windows, you would enter the following:

rsm.exe appsettings set AnsysRSMCluster NodeCommunicationPort 14251

  • Port settings must be specified on the master node and each execution node. If you are not using a network installation of RSM, this means that you will need to run the RSM Utilities application (in other words modify the Ans.Rsm.AppSettings.config file) on each node in the cluster.

  • When specifying the three ports, make sure that each port is different, and is not being used by any other service (such as the RSM launcher service).