4.8.4. STFT

The Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) is very useful to estimate the NVH characteristics of a drivetrain system. The STFT uses the Hamming window to reduce spectral leakage. The steps at each window can be controlled by the overlap and time slice. A Color map can be displayed as result of the STFT using the following steps.

Figure 4.50: Steps for STFT

Step Description
1Click STFT in the menu bar.
2Under Result, select the DFR filename.
3Under Object, select the object of bearing force, bearing acceleration, or acceleration of measured points and components.
4Set the Sampling Frequency, which is the maximum frequency of the y-axis in the color map.
5Set the Time Slice which is the resolution of the x-axis in the color map.
6Set the Overlap which is the percentage of duplicated time interval for performing FFT.
7Set the number of data points (nFFT) for performing the FFT.
8Set the Start time of the data for STFT.
9Set the End time of the data for STFT.
10Under Output Type, set the scale method of Original or Decibel.
11Click the Steps for STFT  button to create the graph.
12Click the Steps for STFT  button to close the operation.

Figure 4.51: STFT