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I. Introduction
1. Using This Manual
2. Text User Interface
2.1. Text Menu System
2.1.1. Command Abbreviation
2.1.2. Command Line History
2.1.3. Scheme Evaluation
2.1.4. Aliases
2.2. Text Prompt System
2.2.1. Numbers
2.2.2. Booleans
2.2.3. Strings
2.2.4. Symbols
2.2.5. Filenames
2.2.6. Lists
2.2.7. Evaluation
2.2.8. Default Value Binding
2.3. Interrupts
2.4. System Commands
2.4.1. System Commands for LINUX-based Operating Systems
2.4.2. System Commands for Windows-based Operating Systems
2.5. Text Menu Input from Character Strings
2.6. Using the Text Interface Help System
A. Text Command List Changes in Ansys Fluent 2025 R1
II. Meshing Mode
1. boundary/
2. cad-assemblies/
3. diagnostics/
4. display/
5. exit
6. file/
7. material-point/
8. mesh/
9. objects/
10. parallel/
11. preferences/
12. report/
13. scoped-sizing/
14. size-functions/
15. switch-to-solution-mode
A. Query and Utility Functions
A.1. List Queries and Utility Functions
A.1.1. Using Boolean Operations with Lists
A.1.2. Examples
A.2. Label Utility Functions
A.2.1. Examples
A.3. Report Utility Functions
A.4. Diagnostic Based Marking Utility Functions
A.5. Mesh Setup Utility Functions
A.6. Mesh Operation Utility Functions
A.7. Miscellaneous Functions
B. Boundary Functions
B.1. Examples
C. Connect Functions
C.1. Examples
D. Size Field Functions
D.1. Examples
E. Wrap Functions
E.1. Examples
III. Solution Mode
1. adjoint/
2. define/
3. display/
4. exit / close-fluent
5. file/
6. mesh/
7. parallel/
8. Parametric Study Text Commands
9. plot/
10. preferences/
11. report/
12. solve/
13. surface/
14. switch-to-meshing-mode
15. transient-post-processing/
16. turbo-workflow/
17. turbo-post/
19. Battery Model Text Commands
20. Fuel Cell Text Commands
20.1. Using the PEMFC Text User Interface
20.1.1. IV-Curve Calculations Using the Text Interface
20.2. Using the Fuel Cell and Electrolysis Text User Interface
20.2.1. IV-Curve Calculations Using the Text Interface
20.3. Using the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell With Unresolved Electrolyte Text User Interface
21. Magnetohydrodynamics Text Commands
22. continuous-fiber/