adapt/Enters the mesh adaption menu.
adapt-meshPerforms manual adaption on the mesh according to the methods and settings that you specified.
cell-registers/Enters the cell registers menu.
addCreates a new cell register.
coarsenPerforms manual adaption to coarsen the mesh based on a specified cell register.
deleteDeletes a cell register.
displayDisplays a cell register.
editEdits an existing cell register.
listLists all of the currently defined cell registers.
list-propertiesLists the properties of a cell register.
refinePerforms manual adaption to refine the mesh based on a specified cell register.
display-adaption-cellsDisplays the cells that are marked for adaption in the graphics window.
free-hierarchyDeletes the defined adaption hierarchy.
geometry/Enters the geometry menu.
manage/Enters the manage menu, where you can manage the pairings of wall zones with auxiliary geometry definitions as part of geometry-based adaption. This text command menu is only available when using the PUMA adaption method, when the
text command is enabled.mesh/adapt/geometry/manage/
addAdds a new pairing of a wall zone with the auxiliary geometry definition to which you want it to conform as it undergoes adaption. After you enter the name of the wall zone, you can define the following:
This allows you to control the degree to which the boundary displacement is applied to the prismatic boundary layers adjacent to the surface. Lower values for the
cause the displacement to propagate further from the surface, and a value of 0 (the default) disables such propagation altogether. It is recommended that you start with a value of 0.01 and adjust as needed.geometry
This specifies the auxiliary geometry definition to which you want the wall zone to conform as it undergoes adaption.
deleteDeletes a pairing of a wall zone with an auxiliary geometry definition that was previously defined for geometry-based adaption.
editEdits a pairing of a wall zone and an auxiliary geometry definition. After you enter the name of the wall zone, you can define the following:
This allows you to control the degree to which the boundary displacement is applied to the prismatic boundary layers adjacent to the surface. Lower values for the
cause the displacement to propagate further from the surface, and a value of 0 (the default) disables such propagation altogether. It is recommended that you start with a value of 0.01 and adjust as needed.geometry
This specifies the auxiliary geometry definition to which you want the wall zone to conform as it undergoes adaption.
listLists all of the pairings of wall zones with auxiliary geometry definitions that are defined for geometry-based adaption.
list-propertiesLists the geometry-based adaption settings that are defined for a specific wall zone.
reconstruct-geometryEnables / disables geometry-based adaption.
set-geometry-controlsSets geometry controls for wall zones. This text command is only available when using the hanging node adaption method.
list-adaption-cellsPrints the number of cells marked for refinement, coarsening, and both to the console.
manage-criteria/Enters the manage criteria menu, which provides text commands for managing automatic adaption criteria.
addAdds a new automatic adaption criterion.
deleteDeletes an existing automatic adaption criterion.
editEdits an existing automatic adaption criterion.
listLists all the existing automatic adaption criteria.
list-propertiesLists the properties of an existing automatic adaption criterion.
manual-coarsening-criteriaAllows you to define the coarsening criterion for manual adaption by entering an expression or the name of an existing named expression or cell register.
manual-refinement-criteriaAllows you to define the refinement criterion for manual adaption by entering an expression or the name of an existing named expression or cell register.
predefined-criteria/Enters the predefined-criteria menu, which allows you to select commonly used criteria for adapting the mesh.
aerodynamics/Enters the aerodynamics menu, which provides text commands that create cell registers and define adaption criteria that can be useful for aerodynamic simulations.
error-based/Enters the error-based menu, which provides text commands that create cell registers and define adaption criteria based on the solution error.
combined-hessian-indicatorCreates cell registers and defines an adaption criterion based on an error indicator that includes the Hessian of several flow fields (pressure, temperature, velocity, density, and turbulence, when each is applicable). It is suitable for use across a range of Mach numbers, and can target key areas for adaption in cases with a variety of different scales and flow phenomena.
mach-hessian-indicatorCreates cell registers and defines an adaption criterion based on an error indicator that includes the Hessian of the Mach number. It targets adaption for a wider range of Mach number flows compared to the
, while being based on only a single scalar value for the input field, in contrast to the multiple flow fields used in thecombined-hessian-indicator
. Themach-hessian-indicator
text command is only available if the density of the fluid material is defined using the ideal gas law or a real gas model.mesh/adapt/predefined-criteria/aerodynamics/error-based/
pressure-hessian-indicatorCreates cell registers and defines an adaption criterion based on a pressure Hessian indicator, which is suitable for simulations that have significant pressure variations.
shock-indicator/Enters the shock indicator menu, which provides text commands that create cell registers and define adaption criteria that can be useful for simulations with shocks.
density-basedCreates cell registers and defines an adaption criterion that is suitable for simulations with shocks that use the density-based solver or the pressure-based solver with a fluid that uses a real-gas or ideal-gas model for the density.
boundary-layer/Enters the boundary layer menu, which provides text commands that create the necessary cell registers for refinement and define adaption criteria for the manual adaption of boundary layers.
cell-distanceCreates a cell register and adaption settings suitable for the manual adaption of a boundary layer. Prismatic adaption is used where possible (so that the cells are only split along certain directions) and is based on a cell's proximity to one or more boundaries.
combustion/Enters the combustion menu, which provides text commands that create named expressions and cell registers and define adaption criteria that can be useful for combustion simulations.
flame-indicatorCreates named expressions and cell registers and defines adaption criteria that are suitable for combustion simulations, so that the mesh is refined along a progressing flame front using various criteria like temperature, vorticity, species, and DPM concentration (depending on which models are used). There is also an option for refining a spherical spark region prior to a transient run, which after a specified time is then coarsened back to the original mesh.
multiphase/Enters the multiphase menu, which provides text commands that create named expressions and cell registers and define adaption criteria that can be useful for Volume of Fluid (VOF) simulations.
vofCreates a named expression and cell registers, and defines adaption settings that are suitable for standard Volume of Fluid (VOF) simulations.
vof-to-dpm-advancedSets up adaption that is suitable when using the VOF-to-DPM model transition mechanism; the resulting adaption criteria will be defined by complex expressions that draw upon cell registers, as well as parameters that you will need to define.
vof-to-dpm-genericSets up adaption that is suitable when using the VOF-to-DPM model transition mechanism; the resulting adaption criteria will be defined by a named expression and cell registers that are fairly straightforward, as well as parameters that you will need to define.
oversetCreates adaption settings suitable for the automatic adaption of overset meshes during the calculation, to remove orphans, reduce size mismatches between donor and receptor cells, and/or increase the mesh resolution in gaps as needed (in order to prevent the creation of orphan cells). For 2D and 3D cases, anisotropic refinement is used by default for suitable prismatic cells adapted as part of overset orphan adaption and/or overset gap adaption, in order to produce cells that have a lower aspect ratio and/or a mesh resolution that is suitable for boundary layers near walls, respectively.
profile/Enters the profile menu.
clearClears the adaption profiling counters.
disableDisables adaption profiling.
enableEnables adaption profiling.
printPrints adaption profiling results.
set/Enters the set menu.
additional-refinement-layersAllows you to specify additional refinement layers (this is an advanced control that is applied globally).
cell-zonesSets cell zones to be used for marking adaption. An empty list specifies that all zones are considered for adaption.
display-settingsSets the graphics display options for the refinement, coarsening, and common cells.
encapsulate-children?Enables / disables the encapsulation of child cells of a refined parent within its respective partition in parallel when using the PUMA method. By default this encapsulation is disabled, in order to improve the load balance of cells across partitions (particularly for higher levels for refinement). Note that when encapsulation is enabled, prismatic adaption is not permitted.
maximum-cell-countSets an approximate limit to the total cell count of the mesh during adaption. Fluent uses this value to determine when to stop marking cells for refinement. A value of zero places no limits on the number of cells.
maximum-refinement-levelControls the number of levels of refinement used to split cells during the adaption.
methodSets the adaption method.
minimum-cell-qualitySets the minimum value allowed for the orthogonal quality of cells during adaption. If your solution diverges, you may find that using a higher minimum quality value resolves the issue. This text command is only available with the PUMA adaption method.
minimum-edge-lengthsets an approximate limit to the edge length for cells that are considered for refinement. Even if a cell is marked for refinement, it will not be refined if (for 3D) its volume is less than the cube of this field or (for 2D) its area is less than the square of this field. The default value of zero places no limits on the size of cells that are refined.
overset-adapt-dead-cells?Enables/disables the adaption of dead cells in overset meshes.
prismatic-adaption?Enables / disables anisotropic adaption for prismatic cells as part of manual adaption. Note that this text command requires that the adaption method is set to PUMA.
prismatic-boundary-zonesAllows you to select the boundary zones that specify directions for anisotropic refinement on prismatic cells with the PUMA method.
prismatic-split-ratioSets the split ratio for the cells as part of anisotropic refinement on prismatic cells with the PUMA method.
verbosityAllows you set how much information about the adaption is printed to the console.
adjacencyViews and renames face zones adjacent to selected cell zones.
checkPerforms various mesh consistency checks and displays a report in the console that lists the domain extents, the volume statistics, the face area statistics, and any warnings, as well as details about the various checks and mesh failures (depending on the setting specified for
The default value for
is “no”. Ifmesh/check-before-solve
is set to “yes”, a mesh check operation will be invoked prior to starting solver. If grid check fails, solver will be interrupted, and relevant information will be printed in the Fluent console.mesh/
check-verbositySets the level of details that will be added to the mesh check report generated by
. A value of 0 (the default) notes when checks are being performed, but does not list them individually. A value of 1 lists the individual checks as they are performed. A value of 2 enables the availability of additional mesh field variables, lists the individual checks as they are performed, and provides additional details (for example, the location of the problem, the affected cells).The
text command can also be used to set the level of detail displayed in the mesh quality report generated bymesh/quality
. A value of 0 (the default) or 1 lists the minimum orthogonal quality and the maximum aspect ratio. A value of 2 adds information about the zones that contain the cells with the lowest quality, and additional metrics such as the maximum cell squish index and the minimum expansion ratio.mesh/
enhanced-orthogonal-quality?Enables / disables an enhanced definition when calculating the orthogonal quality. When enabled, the orthogonal quality is defined using a variety quality measures, including: the orthogonality of a face relative to a vector between the face and cell centroids; a metric that detects poor cell shape at a local edge (such as twisting and/or concavity); and the variation of normals between the faces that can be constructed from the cell face. This enhanced definition is optimal for evaluating thin prism cells.
geometry/Enters the geometry menu, where you can manage auxiliary geometry definitions.
addAdds a new auxiliary geometry definition. After you enter a name for the definition, you can define the following:
This allows you to revise the name of the definition.
This allows you to define the type to be one of the following, and complete the definition.
This is a shape that can be a
of a cone, orcylinder
. After you specify the shape, additional settings are available to define the location, size, and/or orientation. Note that for aplane
, you can use thecompute
setting to define the plane by entering the name or ID of a planar face zone.user-defined
This allows you to specify the shape using a user-defined function (UDF) that you have previously compiled. The UDF is selected using the
This allows you to specify the shape using a surface zone from a separate case, mesh, or STL file. The file can be managed using the
setting, and then the zone selected using thebackground
This allows you to specify that the shape is a smooth background model reconstructed from the current node coordinates of one or more boundary zones (specified through the
deleteDeletes a specified auxiliary geometry definition.
displayDisplays a specified auxiliary geometry definition in the graphics window.
display-optionsSets the options for how the auxiliary geometry definition is displayed in the graphics window when using the
text command. The following options are available:draw-edges?
Enables / disables the drawing of edges on the displayed auxiliary geometry definition.
Enables / disables the drawing of faces on the displayed auxiliary geometry definition.
Allows the mesh and the auxiliary geometry definition to be displayed together.
Sets the color of the edges of the displayed auxiliary geometry definition.
Sets the thickness of the edges on the displayed auxiliary geometry definition.
Sets the color of the faces of the displayed auxiliary geometry definition.
Sets the number of faces into which the curved surface of a primitive shape is discretized along the length direction or (for a sphere) the z-direction.
Sets the number of faces into which the curved surface of a primitive shape is discretized around the circumference or (for a sphere) the longitude.
editEdits an existing auxiliary geometry definition. After you enter the name of the definition that you want to edit, you can edit the following:
This allows you to revise the name of the definition.
This allows you to define the type to be one of the following, and complete the definition.
This is a shape that can be a
of a cone, orcylinder
. After you specify the shape, additional settings are available to define the location, size, and/or orientation. Note that for aplane
, you can use thecompute
setting to define the plane by entering the name or ID of a planar face zone.user-defined
This allows you to specify the shape using a user-defined function (UDF) that you have previously compiled. The UDF is selected using the
This allows you to specify the shape using a surface zone from a separate case, mesh, or STL file. The file can be managed using the
setting, and then the zone selected using thebackground
This allows you to specify that the shape is a smooth background model reconstructed from the current node coordinates of one or more boundary zones (specified through the
listLists all of the auxiliary geometry definitions in the console.
list-propertiesLists the settings for a specified auxiliary geometry definition in the console.
memory-usageReports solver memory use.
mesh-infoPrints zone information size.
modify-zones/Enters the zone modification menu. For a description of the items in this menu, see
polyhedra/Enters the polyhedra menu.
convert-domainConverts the entire 3D domain to polyhedra cells.
convert-hanging-nodesConverts 3D cells with hanging nodes/edges to polyhedra.
convert-skewed-cellsConverts skewed 3D cells to polyhedra.
options/Enters the polyhedra options menu.
migrate-and-reorder?Enables / disables the migration of newly created partitions to the compute-nodes and the reordering of the domain as part of polyhedra conversion. This is disabled by default, because it requires significant additional memory; when disabled, it is recommended that you save the case file after conversion, read it in a new Fluent session (so that the new / stored partitions become active), and then manually reorder using the
text command. If you want to run the calculation in the current Fluent session you can enable themigrate-and-reorder?
text command prior to conversion, but you must ensure that no more than half of the available memory of your system is currently used.mesh/polyhedra/options/
preserve-boundary-layer?Specifies whether boundary layer cells will be preserved when the domain is converted to polyhedra. When the value is set to
(default) Ansys Fluent checks for high aspect ratio cells at the boundary layer and if any are found, Fluent asks if you want to preserve the boundary layer. When the value is set to1
, the boundary layer cells are never preserved; when it is set to2
, the boundary layer cells are always preserved (regardless of the aspect ratio of the boundary layer cells).mesh/polyhedra/options/
preserve-interior-zonesEnables the preservation of surfaces (that is, manifold zones of type interior) during the conversion of the domain to polyhedra. Note that only those zones with a name that includes the string you specify will be preserved.
qualityDisplays information about the quality of the mesh in the console, including the minimum orthogonal quality and the maximum aspect ratio. The level of detail displayed depends on the setting specified for
redistribute-boundary-layerRedistributes the nodes in the hex and/or wedge cells in a boundary layer zone to achieve a desired growth rate.
reorder/Reorders domain menu.
band-widthPrints cell bandwidth.
reorder-domainReorders cells and faces using the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm. Note that you must save a new case file (and a data file, if data exists) after reordering with this text command, as well as recreate any ray files and/or surface cluster information.
reorder-zonesReorders zones by partition, type, and ID.
allow-repair-at-boundariesAllows the adjustment of the positions of nodes on boundaries as part of the mesh repairs performed by the
text command.mesh/repair-improve/
improve-qualityImproves poor quality cells in the mesh, if possible.
include-local-polyhedra-conversion-in-repairEnables/disables the local conversion of degenerate cells into polyhedra based on skewness criteria as part of the mesh repairs performed by the
text command.mesh/repair-improve/
repairRepairs mesh problems identified by the mesh check, if possible. The repairs include fixing cells that have the wrong node order, the wrong face handedness, faces that are small or nonexistent, or very poor quality. Only interior nodes are repositioned by default; boundary nodes may be repositioned if the
text command is enabled. Note that highly skewed cells may be converted into polyhedra, depending on whether themesh/repair-improve/include-local-polyhedra-conversion-in-repair
text command is enabled.mesh/repair-improve/
repair-face-handednessModifies cell centroids to repair meshes that contain left-handed faces without face node order problems.
repair-face-node-orderModifies face nodes to repair faces with improper face node order and, therefore, eliminates any resulting left-handed faces.
repair-periodicModifies the mesh to enforce a rotational angle or translational distance for periodic boundaries. For translationally periodic boundaries, the command computes an average translation distance and adjusts the node coordinates on the shadow face zone to match this distance. For rotationally periodic boundaries, the command prompts for an angle and adjusts the node coordinates on the shadow face zone using this angle and the defined rotational axis for the cell zone.
repair-wall-distanceCorrects wall distance at very high aspect ratio hexahedral/polyhedral cells.
report-poor-elementsReports invalid and poor quality elements.
rotateRotates the mesh.
scalePrompts for the scaling factors in each of the active Cartesian coordinate directions.
show-periodic-shadow-zones?Enables/disables the showing of shadow zones for conformal periodic boundary zone pairs in any list of boundary zones presented by the user interface. This text command is enabled by default. If any shadow zones exist when this text command is disabled, they are deleted (though the behavior of the related periodic boundary zones will not be affected).
size-infoPrints mesh size.
smooth-meshSmooths the mesh using quality-based, Laplacian, or skewness methods.
surface-mesh/Enters the Surface Mesh menu.
deleteDeletes surface mesh.
displayDisplays surface meshes.
readReads surface meshes.
swap-mesh-facesSwaps mesh faces.
translatePrompts for the translation offset in each of the active Cartesian coordinate directions.
wall-distance-methodSets the method used to calculate the wall distance for every cell. By default, it is calculated using the
method, which is an exact geometric method. You have the option to specify that it is instead calculated using thetransport-eqn
method, which is a Laplacian approach that estimates the value based on the transport equation; this can be useful if your case requires too much memory with thegeometric
method. Note that thetransport-eqn
method is not recommended for coarse meshes, since it may produce inaccurate wall distance results and subsequently decrease the accuracy of the solutions.