Chapter 1: Using This Manual

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This manual describes the text-based user interface of Ansys Fluent Meshing which may be used for scripting and other advanced workflows. Here is what you will find in each chapter and appendix:


Meshing Mode:

  • boundary/ lists the commands used for creating, managing, modifying, deleting boundary (face) zones and surface mesh.

  • cad-assemblies/ lists commands used to interact with your CAD model.

  • diagnostics/ lists commands used to find and repair face zone problems related to connectivity and quality.

  • display/ lists commands used to control the rendering of your model and mesh in the graphical window.

  • exit lists the command to close the program.

  • file/ lists commands used to input and output your data.

  • material-point/ lists commands used to manage material points in your model.

  • mesh/ lists commands used to create, manage, modify and delete cell zones and volume mesh.

  • objects/ lists commands used in the object-based meshing workflow, from CAD import to volume fill.

  • parallel/ lists commands specific to parallel processing.

  • preferences/ lists commands specific to user preferences.

  • report/ lists commands used to return volume and surface mesh statistics such as counts or quality.

  • scoped-sizing/ lists commands used to create and manage scoped size controls.

  • size-functions/ lists commands used to create and manage size functions such as global or periodic sizes.

  • switch-to-solution-mode lists the command to transfer your mesh data to the Fluent solver.

  • Appendix A: Query and Utility Functions lists API functions used to interact with your model by passing information such as names or lists of zones or objects, statistics, and diagnostics. Boolean operations and examples are included.

  • Appendix B: Boundary Functions lists API functions used to manage boundary (face) zone mesh. Examples are included.

  • Appendix C: Connect Functions lists API functions used to manage boundary (face) zone connectivity. Examples are included.

  • Appendix D: Size Field Functions lists API functions used to manage geodesic size controls and size fields. Examples are included.

  • Appendix E: Wrap Functions lists API functions used to manage your mesh in UTM cases. Examples are included.

Solution Mode:

  • adjoint/ lists commands related to the adjoint solver.

  • define/ lists commands related to problem definition, such as models, boundary conditions, materials, etc.

  • display/ lists commands used to control the rendering of your model and mesh in the graphical window.

  • exit / close-fluent lists the command to close the program.

  • file/ lists commands used to input and output your data.

  • mesh/ lists commands used to create and manage mesh properties.

  • parallel/ lists commands specific to parallel processing.

  • plot/ lists commands specific to plotting data.

  • preferences/ lists commands for controlling preferences.

  • report/ lists commands used to return statistics for the simulation.

  • solve/ lists commands used to create and manage solution controls, such as animation, cell registers, monitors, initialization, etc.

  • surface/ lists commands related to creating and manipulating surfaces.

  • switch-to-meshing-mode lists the command to transfer your solution data to Fluent in meshing mode.

  • turbo-post/ lists commands related to results and reporting for turbomachinery.

  • views/ lists commands related to camera and view manipulation in the graphics window.

  • Battery Model Text Commands lists commands related to battery models.

  • Fuel Cell Text Commands lists commands related to fuel cell models.

  • Magnetohydrodynamics Text Commands lists commands related to magnetohydrodynamics models.

  • continuous-fiber/ lists commands related to the continuous fiber model.