An equivalent free-body analysis is performed if a static analysis (ANTYPE,STATIC) or a buckling analysis (ANTYPE,BUCKLE) is used together with an inertia relief (IRLF,1), provided that enough supports are defined (D). A static analysis performed with automatic inertia relief (AIRL) allows a free-body analysis without the definition of supports.
Inertia relief is a technique in which the applied forces and torques are balanced by inertial forces induced by an acceleration field. Consider the application of an acceleration field (to be determined) that precisely cancels or balances the applied loads:
(14–7) |
ρ = density |
vol = volume of model |
x = vector cross product |
In the finite element implementation, the position vector {r} and the moment in the applied
load vector
are taken with respect to the center of
mass. Equation 14–7 is rewritten in equivalent form as:
(14–8) |
[Mt] = mass tensor for the entire finite element model |
[Mr] = mass moments and mass products of the inertia tensor for the entire finite element model |
When applicable, [Mt], [Mr], and other mass-related data are calculated from the total rigid body mass matrix. For more information, see Precise Calculation of Mass Related Information. When not applicable, these values are calculated using the equations in Mass-Related Information Calculation.
Once [Mt] and [Mr] are developed, then
in Equation 14–8 can be
solved. The body forces that correspond to these accelerations are
added to the user-imposed load vector, thereby making the net or resultant
reaction forces zero. The output inertia relief summary includes
(output as ROTATIONAL ACCELERATIONS). You may request
only a mass summary for [Mt] and [Mr] (IRLF,-1).
The calculations for [Mt], [Mr], , and
are made at every substep for every load step where they are requested, and
reflect changes in material density, applied loads, and deformation.
Several limitations apply:
Inertia relief is applicable to linear or nonlinear structural analyses or buckling analyses with only structural degrees of freedom.
Element mass and/or density must be defined in the model.
In a model containing both 2D and 3D elements, only Mt(1,1) and Mt(2,2) in [Mt] and Mr(3,3) in [Mr] are correct in the mass summary. All other terms in [Mt] and [Mr] should be ignored. The acceleration balance is, however, correct.
Axisymmetric and generalized plane strain elements are not allowed.
If grounded gap or contact elements are in the model, their status should not change from the original status. Generally, bonded contact is preferred. Otherwise, the exact kinematic constraints stated above might be violated.
The computation for [Mt] and [Mr] proceeds on an element-by-element basis:
(14–9) |
(14–10) |
in which [me] and [Ie] relate to individual elements, and the summations are for all elements in the model. The output `precision mass summary' (default output) includes components of [Mt] (labeled as TOTAL MASS) and [Mr] (MOMENTS AND PRODUCTS OF INERTIA TENSOR ABOUT ORIGIN).
The evaluation for components of [me] are simply obtained from a row-by-row summation applied to the element mass matrix over translational (x, y, z) degrees of freedom. It should be noted that [me] is a diagonal matrix (mxy = 0, mxz = 0, etc.). The computation for [Ie] is based on the following equation:
(14–11) |
[Me] = element mass matrix |
[b] = matrix which consists of nodal positions and unity components. It is a submatrix of the rigid body motion matrix [D], defined in Equation 14–308. |
[Me] is dependent on the type of element
under consideration. The description of the element mass matrices
[Me] is given in Derivation of Structural Matrices. The derivation for [b] comes about by comparing Equation 14–7 and Equation 14–8 on a per element basis, and eliminating
to yield:
(14–12) |
vol = element volume |
If the mass matrix in Equation 14–11 is derived in a consistent manner, the components in [Ie] are precise. This is demonstrated as follows. Consider the inertia tensor in standard form:
(14–13) |
which can be rewritten in product form:
(14–14) |
The matrix [Q] is the following skew-symmetric matrix:
(14–15) |
Next, the shape functions are introduced by way of their basic form,
(14–16) |
[N] = matrix containing the shape functions |
Equation 14–15 and Equation 14–16 are combined to obtain:
(14–17) |
(14–18) |
Inserting Equation 14–18 into Equation 14–14 leads to:
(14–19) |
Noting that the integral in Equation 14–19 is the consistent mass matrix for a solid element:
(14–20) |
It follows that Equation 14–11 is recovered from the combination of Equation 14–19 and Equation 14–20.
Equation 14–18 and Equation 14–20 apply to all solid elements (in 2D, z = 0). For discrete elements, such as beams and shells, certain adjustments are made to [b] in order to account for moments of inertia corresponding to individual rotational degrees of freedom. For 3D beams, for example, [b] takes the form:
(14–21) |
The [Ie] and [Mr] matrices are accurate when consistent mass matrices are used in Equation 14–11. However, the following limitation applies:
Inertia relief (IRLF,1) is supported for the following types of analyses: static (linear or nonlinear), linear perturbation static, and buckling. Static analyses can be linear or nonlinear.
Automatic inertia relief (AIRL) is only supported for linear static analysis.
The equations used for inertia relief are outlined in the following sections.
Assuming total displacement in a linear static analysis is:
(14–22) |
The corresponding acceleration vectors are: , and the general dynamic equation without damping is:
(14–23) |
(14–24) |
Substituting Equation 14–22 into Equation 14–23 results in
(14–25) |
For a static analysis the following terms drop out:
and Equation 14–25 becomes
(14–26) |
and can be calculated by solving Equation 14–26. It is worth noting a few facts in this
static analysis. Since
in a static analysis,Equation 14–24
can be viewed as:
(14–27) |
This implies that the acceleration calculated from inertia relief only represents rigid body acceleration. If the
structure is subject to rigid body motion only (an unconstrained or minimally constrained
structure), deformable displacement is zero,
. This condition leads to the computation of rigid body acceleration (Equation 14–8). When inertia relief loads are used with displacement
boundary conditions (Equation 14–26),
is no longer zero.
While inertia relief (IRLF) requires the use of supports to remove the rigid body modes from the model, automatic inertia relief (AIRL) allows the analysis of a genuinely free body without any support. The manual step of support definition and the influence of supports on the stress results are thus avoided. The results from IRLF and AIRL may exhibit different displacements, but the stress distribution should be very close, other than the side effects of the artificial supports.
Similar to IRLF, the purpose of AIRL is to balance the external forces applied on the structure by a free-body acceleration, to be determined. However the static balance equation cannot be solved directly given the absence of supports. As described here, an augmented linear system is formed, and Lagrangian multipliers are used to remove the free-body motions.
In the previous section, the total displacement was decomposed into a deformable component
and a rigid-body motion component
. Under the assumptions of no deformable acceleration and no strain energy
induced by the rigid-body motion, it was shown that the general dynamic equation can be
reformulated as a static problem:
(14–28) |
The matrix [K] denotes a positive semi-definite stiffness matrix, and [M] denotes a
positive definite mass matrix. By introducing [R], the matrix containing the
nrb rigid-body modes as column vectors, the
free-body acceleration vector may be expressed with respect to the nodal free-body acceleration at a virtual
reference point, denoted
(14–29) |
The static equilibrium balance is now expressed as:
(14–30) |
Likewise, the free-body momentum balance can be expressed as:
(14–31) |
According to the previously described decomposition of the total displacement
, the deformable displacement
does not contribute to the free-body motion of the structure. We choose to
impose this property on the deformable displacement weighted by the mass:
(14–32) |
Using Equation 14–30 and Equation 14–32, the following augmented system is obtained:
(14–33) |
The introduction of off-diagonal blocks [M][R] and [R]T[M]
eliminates the rigid body modes from the model and lets us solve simultaneously for
using a sparse direct solver. A similar formulation is obtained when
constraint equations exist in the model. Using the notations from Constraint Equations,
the augmented system can be described as:
(14–34) |
and the constant unit time τ = 1 is introduced for the sake of dimensional homogeneity.
The rigid body modes [RI ] are extracted from the matrix [K*]. The new
augmented system is obtained from the original Equation 14–30 and Equation 14–32 by applying the constraint equations
according to the derivation made in Derivation of Matrix and Load Vector Operations, and by noticing that if
are respectively in the null space of [K] and [K*], then
For a nonlinear static analysis, the first step is to calculate inertia relief acceleration (Equation 14–27) on the original geometry based on structural density at the beginning of the substep of a load step by Equation 14–8. The nonlinear equation to be solved (similar to Equation 14–16) is:
(14–35) |
The nonlinear Equation 14–35 is solved by
Newton-Raphson iterative procedure as previously described. The nonlinearity can be material or
large deformation (NLGEOM,ON) nonlinearity. In the case of
NLGEOM,ON, the inertia force term is re-calculated at every substep to reflect the effects of updated geometry
(14–36) |
while retains the same values as in the first substep,
is recalculated by Equation 14–12 at every substep
from the updated geometry to reflect the geometry change in NLGEOM,ON. Also,
is calculated incrementally at every substep to account for follower force
effects (if any) if NLGEOM,ON is issued.
The analysis process is the same as described in General Procedure for Linear Perturbation Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide, but extra attention should be paid to the application of inertia relief loads.
In the base analysis, specify the inertia relief load (IRLF,1). The base analysis is static only. It can be linear or nonlinear.
In the perturbed static analysis, the inertia relief load is recalculated to include the prestressed matrix,
, by default. To exclude this inertia relief load vector and its effects you must issue IRLF,0 in the first phase of the linear perturbation static analysis.
If large deformation (NLGEOM,ON) is used in the base analysis, the inertia relief loads
will be recalculated from the updated geometry in the perturbation phase.
You can include inertia relief in an eigenvalue buckling analysis by following the
procedure described in Linear Perturbation Eigenvalue Buckling
Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide, paying special attention to the inclusion or
exclusion of the inertia relief load (Equation 14–36).
In the base analysis, normally the inertia relief load is included by issuing IRLF,1. The inertia relief load is used to generate a linear or nonlinear static solution, and consequently, the structural stresses for the prestressed tangent matrix
are used in the perturbation phase.
Note: For inertia relief, static is the only analysis type allowed for the base analysis. Inertia relief loads are recalculated from the load vectors for the linear perturbation analysis
(See Application of Perturbation Loads).
In the first phase of the perturbed buckling analysis, the SOLVE,ELFORM command is executed. By default, inertia relief loads are included in the load vector
, which is used to calculate the linearly perturbed stress stiffening matrix
When the base analysis is nonlinear, you may exclude this inertia relief load vector and its effects by issuing IRLF,0 in the second phase of the perturbed buckling analysis so that the inertia relief loads are included only in the base analysis for the prestressed effect.
When the base analysis is linear, the inertia load should be included in the perturbation phase since the inertia loads will be used to calculate the perturbed stress stiffening matrix in the linear perturbation phase.
In the perturbed phase of the analysis, additional loads are allowed so that the buckling solution is the result of the sum of the inertia loads and the other loads.
Critical buckling loads are determined using:
Equation 15–256 for the case where a linear base analysis is used
Equation 15–260 for the case where a nonlinear base analysis is used.
The resulting formulas for the critical buckling loads are as follows:
Linear inertia relief bucking load:
Nonlinear inertia relief buckling load when IRLF,1 is issued in the linear perturbation phase:
Nonlinear inertia relief buckling load when IRLF,0 is issued in the linear perturbation phase:
is the rigid body acceleration calculated to balance out
, the load at the linear perturbation phase.
is the rigid body acceleration calculated to balance out
, the load vector from the base analysis.
is the buckling eigenvalue from the linear perturbation analysis.