1.12. Activating UPFs

The Mechanical APDL program activates many UPFs via a specific user action. This can be through a command option or a user selection. Below is a list of specific actions required for several types of UPF. Below is a list of specific actions required for several types of UPF.

UPFs that are not activated by the means described above must be activated by either of the following methods:

  • Issuing the USRCAL command

  • Choosing menu path Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>-Load Step Opts->Other>User Routines or Main Menu>Solution>-Load Step Opts->Other>User Routines.

To activate or deactivate the routines, issue the command USRCAL,Rnam1, ...Rnam9, where Rnam1 and Rnam9 are the names of specific routines. You can specify up to nine routines with one USRCAL command, or you can issue multiple USRCAL commands.

Issue the command USRCAL,NONE to deactivate all valid user subroutines. To list the status of the routines, issue the command USRCAL,STAT.

For a list of the user routines that the USRCAL command (or its equivalent menu paths) affects, see the USRCAL command description in the Command Reference.

If you do not activate the UPFs in this manner, standard Mechanical APDL logic is used by default. For example, when you apply a convection load, standard Mechanical APDL logic is the default even if you have a user convection routine linked in. The user convection routine must be activated by the USRCAL command or its menu equivalent.