Chapter 1: Introducing Mechanical APDL™

Mechanical APDL™ finite element analysis software enables engineers to perform the following tasks:

  • Build computer models or transfer CAD models of structures, products, components, or systems.

  • Apply operating loads or other design performance conditions.

  • Study physical responses, such as stress levels, temperature distributions, or electromagnetic fields.

  • Optimize a design early in the development process to reduce production costs.

  • Do prototype testing in environments where it otherwise would be undesirable or impossible (for example, biomedical applications).

The Mechanical APDL program has a graphical user interface (GUI) enabling interactive access to common functions, commands, documentation, and reference material. An intuitive menu system helps users navigate through the Mechanical APDL program.

This guide provides basic instructions for operating the Mechanical APDL program: starting and stopping the product, using and customizing its GUI, using the online help system, etc. For further information, see the following documents: