Chapter 2: Direct Coupled-Field Analysis

The direct method for performing a coupled-field analysis involves a single analysis using a coupled-field element. Table 2.1: Coupled-Field Elements lists the elements that have coupled-field capability.

Table 2.1: Coupled-Field Elements

Element Name Description
SOLID5 (Legacy)Coupled-field hexahedral
FLUID29 Acoustic quadrilateral
FLUID30 Acoustic hexahedral
LINK68 Thermal-electric line
CIRCU94 Piezoelectric circuit
SOLID98 (Legacy)Coupled-field tetrahedral
FLUID116 Thermal-flow pipe
CIRCU124 General circuit
TRANS126 1D electromechanical transducer
SHELL157 Thermal-electric shell
CONTA172 2D surface-to-surface contact
CONTA174 3D surface-to-surface contact
CONTA175 2D/3D node-to-surface contact
CONTA178 3D node-to-node contact
CPT212 2D 4-node coupled pore-pressure-thermal mechanical solid
CPT213 2D 8-node coupled pore-pressure-thermal mechanical solid
CPT215 3D 8-node coupled pore-pressure-thermal mechanical solid
CPT216 3D 20-node coupled pore-pressure-thermal mechanical solid
CPT217 3D 10-node coupled pore-pressure-thermal mechanical solid
PLANE222 2D 4-node coupled-field quadrilateral
PLANE223 2D 8-node coupled-field quadrilateral
SOLID225 3D 8-node coupled-field hexahedral
SOLID226 3D 20-node coupled-field hexahedral
SOLID227 3D 10-node coupled-field tetrahedral
LINK2283D coupled-field line

Coupled-field elements contain all the necessary degrees of freedom. They handle the field coupling by calculating the appropriate element matrices (strong, or matrix coupling) or element load vectors (weak, or load vector coupling). In linear problems with strong coupling, coupled-field interaction is calculated in one iteration. Weak coupling requires at least two iterations to achieve a coupled response. Nonlinear problems are iterative for both strong and weak coupling. Table 2.2: Coupling Methods Used in Direct Coupled-Field Analyses lists the different types of coupled-field analyses available using the direct method, and which type of coupling is present in each. See Coupling Methods in the Theory Reference for more information about strong versus weak coupling.

Your finite element model may intermix certain coupled-field elements with the VOLT degree of freedom. To be compatible, the elements must have the same reaction solution for the VOLT degree of freedom. Elements that have an electric charge reaction solution must all have the same electric charge reaction sign. For more information, see Element Compatibility.

Table 2.2: Coupling Methods Used in Direct Coupled-Field Analyses

Type of Analysis Coupling Method
Electromagnetic-thermal-structural Weak
Piezoelectric Strong
Electrostatic-structuralStrong or weak
Thermal-pressure Strong and weak
Velocity-thermal-pressure Strong
Pressure-structural (acoustic)Strong
Thermal-electric Weak (and strong, if Seebeck coefficients are defined)
Structural-thermalStrong or weak (and strong, if contact elements are used)
Structural-thermal-electricStrong and/or weak
Structural-magneticStrong or weak
Structural-electromagneticStrong or weak
Structural-stranded coilStrong or weak
Structural-diffusionStrong or weak
Thermal-diffusionStrong or weak
Structural-thermal-diffusionStrong or weak
Electric-diffusionStrong or weak
Thermal-electric-diffusionStrong and/or weak
Structural-electric-diffusionStrong or weak
Structural-thermal-electric-diffusionStrong and/or weak

Weak coupling effects are ignored in a substructure analysis, because an iterative solution is not available within the substructure generation pass.

Because of the possibly extreme nonlinear behavior of weakly coupled field elements, you may need to use the predictor and line-search options to achieve convergence. Nonlinear Structural Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide describes these options.

To speed up convergence in a coupled-field transient analysis, you can disable the time integration effects for any degrees of freedom that are not a concern. For example, if structural inertial and damping effects can be ignored in a thermal-structural transient analysis, you can issue TIMINT,OFF,STRUC to turn off the time integration effects for the structural degrees of freedom.

Contact elements may also be included in a direct coupled-field analysis. For more information, see the following sections in the Contact Technology Guide:

For information about coupled physics circuit simulations, see Coupled Physics Circuit Simulation.