1.9. PIPE59 - Immersed Pipe or Cable

Matrix or VectorOptionsShape Functions Integration Points
Stiffness Matrix; and Thermal, Pressure, and Hydrostatic Load VectorsPipe Option (KEYOPT(1) ≠ 1) Equation 11–15, Equation 11–16, Equation 11–17, and Equation 11–18 None
Cable Option (KEYOPT(1) = 1) Equation 11–6, Equation 11–7, and Equation 11–8 None
Stress Stiffness MatrixPipe Option (KEYOPT(1) ≠ 1) Equation 11–16 and Equation 11–17 None
Cable Option (KEYOPT(1) = 1) Equation 11–7 and Equation 11–8 None
Mass MatrixPipe Option (KEYOPT(1) ≠ 1) with consistent mass matrix (KEYOPT(2) = 0) Equation 11–15, Equation 11–17, and Equation 11–16 None
Cable Option (KEYOPT(1) = 1) or reduced mass matrix (KEYOPT(2) = 1) Equation 11–6, Equation 11–7, and Equation 11–8 None
Hydrodynamic Load VectorSame as stiffness matrix2
Load TypeDistribution
Element Temperature*Linear thru thickness or across diameter, and along length
Nodal Temperature*Constant across cross-section, linear along length
PressureLinearly varying (in Z direction) internal and external pressure caused by hydrostatic effects. Exponentially varying external overpressure (in Z direction) caused by hydrodynamic effects

Note:  * Immersed elements with no internal diameter assume the temperatures of the water.

1.9.1. Overview of the Element

PIPE59 is similar to PIPE16. The principal differences are that the mass matrix includes the:

  1. Outside mass of the fluid ("added mass") (acts only normal to the axis of the element),

  2. Internal structural components (pipe option only), and the load vector includes:

    1. Hydrostatic effects

    2. Hydrodynamic effects

1.9.2. Location of the Element

The origin for any problem containing PIPE59 must be at the free surface (mean sea level). Further, the Z axis is always the vertical axis, pointing away from the center of the earth.

The element may be located in the fluid, above the fluid, or in both regimes simultaneously. There is a tolerance of only below the mud line, for which



ti = thickness of external insulation (input as TKIN on RMORE command)
Do = outside diameter of pipe/cable (input as DO on R command)

The mud line is located at distance d below the origin (input as DEPTH with TB,WATER (water motion table)). This condition is checked with:



where Z(N) is the vertical location of node N. If it is desired to generate a structure below the mud line, one can set up a second material property for those elements using a greater d and deleting hydrodynamic effects. Alternatively, a second element type such as PIPE288 can be used.

If the problem is a large deflection problem, greater tolerances apply for second and subsequent iterations:




where Z(N) is the present vertical location of node N. In other words, the element is allowed to sink into the mud for 10 diameters before generating a warning message. If a node sinks into the mud a distance equal to the water depth, the run is terminated. If the element is supposed to lie on the ocean floor, gap elements must be provided.

1.9.3. Stiffness Matrix

The element stiffness matrix for the pipe option (KEYOPT(1) ≠ 1) is the same as for a 3D elastic beam, except that:


GT = twist-tension stiffness constant, which is a function of the helical winding of the armoring (input as TWISTEN on RMORE command, may be negative)
Di = inside diameter of pipe = Do - 2 tw
tw = wall thickness (input as TWALL on R command)
L = element length
J = 2I

1.9.4. Mass Matrix

The element mass matrix for the pipe option (KEYOPT(1) ≠ 1) and KEYOPT(2) = 0) is the same as for a 3D elastic beam, except that (1,1), (7,7), (1,7), and (7,1), as well as M(4,4), M(10,10), M(4,10), and M(10,4), are multiplied by the factor (Ma /Mt).


Mt = (mw + mint + mins + madd) L = mass/unit length for motion normal to axis of element
Ma = (mw + mint + mins) L= mass/unit length for motion parallel to axis of element
ρ = density of the pipe wall (input as DENS on MP command)
εin = initial strain (input as ISTR on RMORE command)
mint = mass/unit length of the internal fluid and additional hardware (input as CENMPL on RMORE command)
ρi = density of external insulation (input as DENSIN on RMORE command)
CI = coefficient of added mass of the external fluid (input as CI on RMORE command)
ρw = fluid density (input as DENSW with TB,WATER)

1.9.5. Load Vector

The element load vector consists of two parts:

  1. Distributed force per unit length to account for hydrostatic (buoyancy) effects ({F/L}b) as well as axial nodal forces due to internal pressure and temperature effects {Fx}.

  2. Distributed force per unit length to account for hydrodynamic effects (current and waves) ({F/L}d).

The hydrostatic and hydrodynamic effects work with the original diameter and length, that is, initial strain and large deflection effects are not considered.

1.9.6. Hydrostatic Effects

Hydrostatic effects may affect the outside and the inside of the pipe. Pressure on the outside crushes the pipe and buoyant forces on the outside tend to raise the pipe to the water surface. Pressure on the inside tends to stabilize the pipe cross-section.

The buoyant force for a totally submerged element acting in the positive z direction is:


where: {F/L}b = vector of loads per unit length due to buoyancy
Cb = coefficient of buoyancy (input as CB on RMORE command)
{g} = acceleration vector

Also, an adjustment for the added mass term is made.

The crushing pressure at a node is:



= crushing pressure due to hydrostatic effects
g = acceleration due to gravity
z = vertical coordinate of the node
= input external pressure (input on SFE command)

The internal (bursting) pressure is:



Pi = internal pressure
ρo = internal fluid density (input as DENSO on R command)
Sfo = z coordinate of free surface of fluid (input as FSO on R command)
= input internal pressure (input as SFE command)

To ensure that the problem is physically possible as input, a check is made at the element midpoint to see if the cross-section collapses under the hydrostatic effects. The cross-section is assumed to be unstable if:



E = Young's modulus (input as EX on MP command)
ν = Poisson's ratio (input as PRXY or NUXY on MP command)

The axial force correction term (Fx) is computed as


where εx, the axial strain (see Equation 2–12) is:



α = coefficient of thermal expansion (input as ALPX on MP command)
ΔT = Ta - TREF
Ta = average element temperature
TREF = reference temperature (input on TREF command)
σx = axial stress, computed below
σh = hoop stress, computed below
σr = radial stress, computed below

The axial stress is:


and using the Lamé stress distribution,




= hydrodynamic pressure, described below
D = diameter being studied

Pi and Po are taken as average values along each element. Combining Equation 1–75 thru Equation 1–78.



Note that if the cross-section is solid (Di = 0.), Equation 1–77 reduces to:


1.9.7. Hydrodynamic Effects

See Hydrodynamic Loads in the Element Tools section of this document for information about this subject.

1.9.8. Stress Output

The below two equations are specialized either to end I or to end J.

The stress output for the pipe format (KEYOPT(1) ≠ 1), is similar to PIPE16. The average axial stress is:



σx = average axial stress (output as SAXL)
Fn = axial element reaction force (output as FX, adjusted for sign)
Pi = internal pressure (output as the first term of ELEMENT PRESSURES)
Po = external pressure = (output as the fifth term of the ELEMENT PRESSURES)

and the hoop stress is:



σh = hoop stress at the outside surface of the pipe (output as SH)

Equation 1–82 is a specialization of Equation 1–77. The outside surface is chosen as the bending stresses usually dominate over pressure induced stresses.

All stress results are given at the nodes of the element. However, the hydrodynamic pressure had been computed only at the two integration points. These two values are then used to compute hydrodynamic pressures at the two nodes of the element by extrapolation.

For the stress output for the cable format (KEYOPT(1) = 1 with Di = 0.0), the stress is given with and without the external pressure applied:





σxI = axial stress (output as SAXL)
σeI = equivalent stress (output as SEQV)
= axial force on node (output as FX)
Fa = axial force in the element (output as FAXL)