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/- About This Archive
- I. Archived Features
- 1. Piping Models
- 2. Subroutines
- 3. Restarting a Direct Coupled-Field Analysis
- 4. Partial-Solution Procedure
- 5. Fatigue
- 5.1. How Fatigue Is Calculated
- 5.2. Fatigue Terminology
- 5.3. Evaluating Fatigue
- 5.3.1. Enter POST1 and Resume Your Database
- 5.3.2. Establish the Size, Fatigue Material Properties, and Locations
- 5.3.3. Store Stresses and Assign Event Repetitions and Scale Factors
- 5.3.4. Activate the Fatigue Calculations
- 5.3.5. Review the Results
- 5.3.6. Other Approaches to Range Counting
- 5.3.7. Example: Fatigue Evaluation Input
- 6. Cracking and Crushing Plots (SOLID65 and PLCRACK)
- 7. Stress-Intensity Factors (SIFS) Calculation via Displacement Extrapolation
- 8. Gap Condition
- 9. Iterative Solvers
- II. Archived Commands
- BELLOW - Defines a bellows in a piping run.
- BEND - Defines a bend in a piping run.
- BRANCH - Defines the starting point for a piping branch.
- CRPLIM - Specifies the creep criterion for automatic time stepping.
- CECYC - Generates the constraint equations for a cyclic symmetry analysis
- EQSLV - Specifies the type of equation solver. Only some arguments have been archived. See description for more details.
- FATIGUE - Specifies "Fatigue data status" as the subsequent status topic.
- FE - Defines a set of fatigue event parameters.
- FELIST - Lists the fatigue event parameters.
- FL - Defines a set of fatigue location parameters.
- FLANGE - Defines a flange in a piping run.
- FLLIST - Lists the fatigue location parameters.
- FP - Defines the fatigue S vs. N and Sm vs. T tables.
- FPLIST - Lists the property table stored for fatigue evaluation.
- FS - Stores fatigue stress components at a node.
- FSDELE - Deletes a stress condition for a fatigue location, event, and loading.
- FSLIST - Lists the stresses stored for fatigue evaluation.
- FSNODE - Calculates and stores the stress components at a node for fatigue.
- FSPLOT - Displays a fatigue stress item for a fatigue location and event.
- FTCALC - Performs fatigue calculations for a given node location.
- FTSIZE - Defines the fatigue data storage array.
- FTWRITE - Writes all currently stored fatigue data on a file.
- GAP - Specifies "mode-superposition transient gap conditions" as the subsequent status topic.
- GAPF - Defines the gap force data to be stored in a variable.
- GP - Defines a gap condition for transient analyses.
- GPDELE - Deletes gap conditions.
- GPLIST - Lists the gap conditions.
- KCALC - Calculates stress intensity factors in fracture mechanics analyses.
- MITER - Defines a mitered bend in a piping run.
- PCORRO - Specifies the allowable exterior corrosion thickness for a piping run.
- PDRAG - Defines the external fluid drag loading for a piping run.
- PFLUID - Defines the contained fluid density for a piping run.
- PGAP - Defines a spring-gap constraint in a piping run.
- PINSUL - Defines the external insulation constants in a piping run.
- PIPE - Specifies "Pipe modeling" as the subsequent status topic.
- PLCRACK - Displays cracking and crushing locations in SOLID65 elements.
- POPT - Selects the piping analysis standard for a piping run.
- PPRES - Defines the internal pressure for a piping run.
- PSOLVE - Directs the program to perform a partial solution.
- PSPEC - Defines pipe material and dimensions.
- PSPRNG - Defines a spring constraint in a piping run.
- PTEMP - Defines the pipe wall temperatures in a piping run.
- PUNIT - Selects the system of length units to be used in a piping run.
- REDUCE - Defines a reducer in a piping run.
- RUN - Defines a pipe run.
- SSTIF - Activates stress stiffness effects in a nonlinear analysis.
- TEE - Defines a tee in a piping run.
- VALVE - Defines a valve in a piping run.
- III. Archived Material Properties
- 1. Multilinear Kinematic Hardening (TB,MKIN and TB,KINH)
- 2. Multilinear Isotropic Hardening (TB,MISO)
- 3. Bilinear Isotropic Hardening (TB,BISO)
- 3.1. Understanding Bilinear Isotropic Hardening
- 3.2. Defining the Bilinear Isotropic Hardening Model
- 3.3. Material Model Combinations Using Bilinear Isotropic Hardening
- 3.3.1. BISO and CHAB Example
- 3.3.2. GURSON and BISO Example
- 3.3.3. GURSON and CHAB and BISO Example
- 3.3.4. RATE and BISO Example
- 3.3.5. BISO and CREEP Example
- 3.3.6. HILL and BISO Example
- 3.3.7. HILL and BISO and CHAB Example
- 3.3.8. HILL and RATE and BISO Example
- 3.3.9. HILL, CREEP and BISO Example
- 3.3.10. RATE and CHAB and BISO Example
- 4. Bilinear Kinematic Hardening (TB,BKIN)
- 5. Classic Drucker-Prager Plasticity (TB,DP)
- IV. Archived Elements
- BEAM4 - 3D Elastic Beam
- CONTAC12 - 2D Point-to-Point Contact
- PLANE13 - 2D Coupled-Field Solid
- PIPE16 - Elastic Straight Pipe
- PIPE18 - Elastic Curved Pipe
- PLANE42 - 2D Structural Solid
- SOLID45 - 3D Structural Solid
- CONTAC52 - 3D Point-to-Point Contact
- PIPE59 - Immersed Pipe or Cable
- SHELL63 - Elastic Shell
- SOLID65 - 3D Reinforced Concrete Solid
- FLUID79 - 2D Contained Fluid
- FLUID80 - 3D Contained Fluid
- FLUID81 - Axisymmetric-Harmonic Contained Fluid
- PLANE82 - 2D 8-Node Structural Solid
- SOLID92 - 3D 10-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid
- SOLID95 - 3D 20-Node Structural Solid
- CONTA171 - 2D 2-Node Surface-to-Surface Contact
- CONTA173 - 3D 4-Node Surface-to-Surface Contact
- CONTA176 - 3D Line-to-Line Contact
- V. Archived Theory
- 1. Archived Theory Element Library
- 1.1. BEAM4 - 3D Elastic Beam
- 1.2. CONTAC12 - 2D Point-to-Point Contact
- 1.3. PLANE13 - 2D Coupled-Field Solid
- 1.4. PIPE16 - Elastic Straight Pipe
- 1.5. PIPE18 - Elastic Curved Pipe
- 1.6. PLANE42 - 2D Structural Solid
- 1.7. SOLID45 - 3D Structural Solid
- 1.8. CONTAC52 - 3D Point-to-Point Contact
- 1.9. PIPE59 - Immersed Pipe or Cable
- 1.10. SHELL63 - Elastic Shell
- 1.11. SOLID65 - 3D Reinforced Concrete Solid
- 1.12. FLUID79 - 2D Contained Fluid
- 1.13. FLUID80 - 3D Contained Fluid
- 1.14. FLUID81 - Axisymmetric-Harmonic Contained Fluid
- 1.15. PLANE82 - 2D 8-Node Structural Solid
- 1.16. SOLID92 - 3D 10-Node Tetrahedral Structural Solid
- 1.17. SOLID95 - 3D 20-Node Structural Solid
- 1.18. CONTA171 - 2D 2-Node Surface-to-Surface Contact
- 1.19. CONTA173 - 3D 4-Node Surface-to-Surface Contact
- 1.20. CONTA176 - 3D Line-to-Line Contact
- 2. Concrete (with SOLID65)
- 3. Creep
- 4. Hydrodynamic Loads on Line Elements
- 5. POST1 - Fatigue Module
- 6. POST1 - Crack Analysis (KCALC)
- 7. Gap Condition in Mode Superposition Transient