1.6. PLANE42 - 2D Structural Solid

Matrix or VectorGeometryShape FunctionsIntegration Points
Stiffness MatrixQuadEquation 11–122 and Equation 11–123 and, if modified extra shapes are included (KEYOPT(2) ≠ 1) and element has 4 unique nodes, Equation 11–135 and Equation 11–1362 x 2
TriangleEquation 11–101 and Equation 11–102

3 if axisymmetric
1 if plane

Mass and Stress Stiffness MatricesQuadEquation 11–122 and Equation 11–123Same as stiffness matrix
TriangleEquation 11–101 and Equation 11–102
Pressure Load VectorSame as mass matrix, specialized to face 2
Load TypeDistribution
Element Temperature Bilinear across element, constant thru thickness or around circumference
Nodal TemperatureSame as element temperature distribution
PressureLinear along each face

References: Wilson, Taylor

1.6.1. Other Applicable Sections

Structures describes the derivation of structural element matrices and load vectors as well as stress evaluations.