39.7. Results and Discussion

39.7.1. Results from Prestressed Modal Analysis with Linear Perturbation Method

Prior to solving a harmonic response analysis, it is important to understand the frequency content of the system, and the modal analysis provides this valuable information. In the solution information, the participation factor summary is available under solution output.

Figure 39.8:

Modes having high participation factors in the z direction are candidates for evaluation as desirable longitudinal modes. Also examine the mode shapes to determine whether excessive transverse motions exist, as those modes should not be excited during transducer operation. Upon examination of the results in this case, modes 14, 25 and 32 are the modes of interest, as shown in the following three figures.

Figure 39.9: First Longitudinal Mode of Interest (14) at 26.8 kHz

First Longitudinal Mode of Interest (14) at 26.8 kHz

This second mode of interest is the one to be investigated in the subsequent coupled field harmonic response analyses.

Figure 39.10: Second Longitudinal Mode of Interest (25) at 58.9 kHz

Second Longitudinal Mode of Interest (25) at 58.9 kHz

It is worth noting that if the transducer were to be used for a higher-frequency application, the third mode of interest is at 87.4 kHz.

Figure 39.11: Third Longitudinal Mode of Interest (32) at 87.4 kHz

Third Longitudinal Mode of Interest (32) at 87.4 kHz

In all modes, the tip of the bonding tool has little motion in the x and y directions as compared to the z direction, necessary for proper wire bonding to occur. Also, the frequencies of the second and third modes are roughly twice and thrice that of the first mode, as expected.

39.7.2. Results from Prestressed Full Harmonic Response Analysis

For wire bonding, the transducer can operate in the 50-60 kHz range. Although the modal analysis determined that the second longitudinal mode of interest is 58.9 kHz, it is necessary to determine the actual amplitude and impedance values. For this, a coupled field harmonic response analysis is performed.

Figure 39.12: Impedance Frequency Response

Impedance Frequency Response

Figure 39.13: Tip Deflection Frequency Response

Tip Deflection Frequency Response

As indicated, the lateral motion (x and y) is much less than the longitudinal motion (z). The displacement for this applied voltage is a little more than 0.1 micron.