29.5. Material Properties

The properties of the single orthotropic material used in the rocket nozzle extension model are as follows:

Orthotropic Material Properties
Young's Modulus in x direction (MPa) 100000
Young's Modulus in y direction (MPa) 5000
Young's Modulus in z direction (MPa) 5000
Poisson’s Ratio PRXY0.40
Poisson’s Ratio PRYZ0.30
Poisson’s Ratio PRXZ0.30
Shear Moduli GXY3000
Shear Moduli GYZ2000
Shear Moduli GXZ2000
Secant coefficient of thermal expansion ALPX1.6E-05
Secant coefficient of thermal expansion ALPY1.6E-05
Secant coefficient of thermal expansion ALPZ6.3E-05

The material is assumed to be linear elastic and temperature-independent. The material has different thermal expansion coefficients in the in-plane (X and Y) and through-the-thickness (Z) directions.