2-D Fracture Problem Under Thermal Loading


Reference: Wilson, W. K., et al. (1979). The use of the J-Integral in thermal stress crack problems. International Journal of Fracture, 377-387.

Ansys Mechanical

Analysis Type(s): Static Structural
Element Type(s): 2-D Structural Elements

Test Case

An edge-cracked strip is modeled with its ends constrained. The strip is subject to a linear temperature gradient through its thickness, starting at zero at the mid-thickness and reaching final value T0 at the right edge. Stress intensity factor for the cracked strip is calculated and compared against the reference value.

Figure 128: Problem Schematic

Problem Schematic

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 1 x 105 Pa
= 0.3
Thermal expansion, = 1 x 10-4
Crack length = 1 mm
L = 4 mm
W = 2 mm
T0 = 10 °

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The problem is solved using 2-D structural elements with plain strain element behavior.

Results Comparison

ResultTargetMechanicalError (%)
Stress intensity, KI126.604128.6331.602