Rubber Cylinder Pressed Between Two Plates



Tussman, T., & Bathe, K. J. (1987). A Finite Element Formulation for Nonlinear Incompressible Elastic and Inelastic Analysis. Computers and Structures, 26(1/2), 357-409.

Solver(s):Ansys Mechanical
Analysis Type(s):Nonlinear Static Structural Analysis (Large Deformation ON)
Element Type(s):Solid

Test Case

A rubber cylinder is pressed between two rigid plates using a maximum imposed displacement of δmax. Determine the total deformation.

Figure 46: Schematic


Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
E = 2 x 1011 Pa
ν = 0.3
ρ = 7850 kg/m3
0.05 m x 0.01 m x 0.4 m
Displacement in Y direction = -0.1 m
Solid2: Mooney-Rivlin Constants
C10 = 2.93 x 105 Pa
C01 = 1.77 x 105 Pa
Incompressibility Parameter D1 1/Pa = 0
Solid2: Quarter Circular Cylinder
Radius = 0.2 m
Length = 0.05 m


Due to geometric and loading symmetry, the analysis can be performed using one quarter of the cross section.

  • Frictionless supports are applied on 3 faces (X = 0, Z = 0 and Z = 0.05 m).

  • Given displacement of 0.1 m is applied on the top surface.

  • The bottom surface of Solid1 is completely fixed.

  • Frictionless Contact with Contact stiffness factor of 100 is used to simulate the rigid target.

  • Augmented Lagrange is used for Contact formulation.

Results Comparison

ResultsTargetMechanicalError (%)
Total Deformation (m)0.1652850.165330.02723