Importing Surface Force Density

The following procedure assumes that you have properly defined your model in Maxwell and that the source and target systems are connected on the Workbench Project Schematic. Given that, follow these steps to import data and associate it with parts of the geometry.

  1. Double-click the Model cell of your harmonic analysis system to open the Mechanical application.

  2. Open the Imported Load object to display the Surface Force Density object(s).

    If your Maxwell solution contains a Parametric Setup, you can use the context (right-click) menu option Create Surface Force Densities and Sync Analysis Settings to automatically create RPM varying analysis settings properties (Number of RPMs, RPM Value).

    Note:  During a Mode Superposition Harmonic Response Analysis

    • For improved solution processing, set the Load Application Type property to either Program Controlled (default) or Nodal Force. The application uses the Nodal Force setting when the property is set to Program Controlled.

    • If you select Element Pressure optioin for Load Application Type property:

      • It is recommended that you expand the results from the Modal solution to improve performance.

      • If the Surface Force Densities loads are the only loads generating load vectors, the application issues the MODCONT,ON,,,ON command in the Modal restart phase to reduce the solution time.

  3. Select the Surface Force Density object and change the default settings as necessary. The options are described below.


    Scoping Method: Options include Geometry Selection and Named Selection. Based on your selection, you need to specify the desired geometry or Named Selection using the associated property.


    Type: This read-only property indicates the imported load type - Surface Force Density.

    Tabular Loading: This property provides the following options.

    • Program Controlled (default)

    • Ramped

    • Stepped

    • Off

    Suppressed: You use this property to include (No) or exclude (Yes) the load in your analysis.

    Load Application Type: This property is available for Mode Superposition Harmonic Response analyses Options for this property include:

    • Program Controlled (default)

    • Element Pressure

    • Nodal Force (used when Programmed Controlled is selected)

    Graphics Controls

    Complex Component: The options for this property include Imaginary (default) and Real.

    Component: This property provides the following options.

    • All

    • Total

    • X Component (default)

    • Y Component

    • Z Component

    Transfer Definition

    Ansoft Solution

    Solution: This property provides a drop-down menu of available upstream systems.

    Variation (Maxwell Parametric Setup only): This property provides a drop-down menu that includes RPM values for the selected Solution.

    Data Type: This is a read-only property. AC Force Density is the only supported loading type.

    Ansoft Surface(s): Select the Ansoft surface(s) for the Surface Force Density load. The default setting is All Surfaces.

  4. You can specify when the imported data should be applied and also modify the imported data, either by adding an offset or by using a scale factor. Change any of the columns in the Data View tab as needed:

    • Source Frequency: Select from the drop-down list one of the frequencies supplied from the transfer file. The load values associated with this frequency will be imported.

    • Analysis Frequency: Select the frequency at which the load will be applied.

    • Scale: The amount by which the imported load values are scaled before applying them.

    • Offset: An offset that is added to the imported load values before applying them.

    • You can define multiple rows in the Data View tab to import additional data from the selected Ansoft solution and apply the load at different analysis frequencies. If multiple rows are defined in the Data View tab, you can display imported values at different frequency steps by changing the Active Row option in the Details pane.

    • You need to re-solve the analysis if you make changes to the Data View options.

  5. Solve the analysis.