19.14.2. Characteristics


  • All analysis types and solver targets can produce User Defined Results. A User Defined Result may be unique to a particular solver and analysis. After clicking on the Solution object, you must click the Worksheet to produce the complete listing of the results that are applicable to the analysis type and solver being used.

  • All result types can be combined except for results which have different dimensions. For example, displacement vectors, which contain 3 items, cannot be added to stress tensors, which contain 6 items.

  • User Defined Results which are elemental (such as stress or strain results) can be displayed as averaged or unaveraged results. It takes Mechanical longer to display a result which is not averaged.

Like most result types that display using contours, user defined results:

  • Are scoped to a geometry (vertex, edge, face, body), named selection (geometry, node-based, or element-based), path, or surface. However, you cannot scope user defined results based on Contacts to a path or surface.

  • Require a set, time, and frequency/phase, to be fully specified (depending on the analysis type).

  • Requires the selection of Response Type (Displacement/Velocity/Acceleration/Other Result) option for Random Vibration and Response Spectrum analysis types.

  • In a Random Vibration Analysis, you need to select a Scale Factor to get a result corresponding to the Probability (read-only).

  • Display minimum/maximum values and a Graph.

  • Display nodal averaged data.

  • Can be added to a Chart

  • Can be examined using probe annotations, slice planes, isosurface, etc.

  • Can be cleared.

  • Can be duplicated.

Unlike other contour results, user defined results:

  • Can have a variable unit category assigned to its contour.

  • Become obsolete if a user defined result is dependent upon another user defined result that has been modified, cleared, or deleted. In this instance, the graphic of the geometry displays without results.

  • User defined results cannot employ Probes.