The Rigid Dynamics Object Model

In the Rigid Dynamics object-based approach, the Environment is the top level object that allows access to all other underlying objects. The environment is associated with an environment object in the Mechanical tree. Many environments can exist on the same model. The model is called the System in the Rigid Dynamics Object model. The system contains the physical representation of the model, and the environment contains the representation of a given simulation done on the model. This means that Bodies and Joints belong to the systems, and Joint Conditions or Loads are available on the environment.

You can access an object using its unique ID, which is the same ID used by Mechanical. Global object tables help you to access an object for which you have an ID.

For example, a Joint with the ID _jid can be accessed using the following call:

Joint= CS_Joint.Find(_jid)

CS_xxx is the table of all xxx type objects.

If the ID of an object is not known, or if only one occurrence of the object exists in the object model, query the object table to find the first occurrence of a given object type. This is explained in the following example:

Environment = CS_Environment.FindFirstNonNull()

This call returns the object ID.


This call returns the object name.


This call sets or changes the object name.

Some objects have to be created by calling the object constructor. For example, to create a constant variable:

Var = CS_ConstantVariable()