10.4. Associating Named Selections To Pull Geometries

The Mesh (or Mesh Edit) object Pull feature enables you to extrude and revolve element faces, geometric faces, or scoped (surface only) bodies from a surface or a solid mesh. In addition, you can automatically apply your extrusion or revolution to Named Selections scoped to the Pull body using the Associate To Pull Geometry property of the Mesh Edit object. Options for this property include Yes and No (default).

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Vertex and Edge Transformations

Consider the system shown below that includes a vertex- and edge-based Named Selection.

Assume that you have set the Associate To Pull Geometry property set to Yes and generated a Pull Revolve.

As illustrated below, the application automatically applies the transformation to the Named Selections. The vertex Named Selection is converted to an edge and the edge Named Selection is converted into a face.

Transformed Vertex

Transformed Edge

Shell Body Transformation

In addition to the vertex and edge transformations above, you can extrude and revolve surface bodies. This transforms surface body Named Selections into a solid body, as illustrated below.

Pull Scoped to Surface Bodies

Named Selection Scoped to Surface Bodies

Generated Pull

Transformed Named Selection


If the Material property on the Pull object is set to None and the Associate To Pull Geometry property of the Mesh Edit object is set to Yes, the application automatically assigns the material of the original profile bodies to the pull geometry generated under the Geometry object.