8.1.5. Creating a Coordinate System Based on a Surface Normal

You can orient a coordinate system based on the surface normal. You have two options. You can orient the principal axis based on the hit point normal of an existing coordinate system, or you can create an aligned coordinate system based on the hit point.

Orienting the Principal Axis by Hit Point Normal

To orient the principal axis based on the hit point normal of an existing coordinate system:

  1. Create a coordinate system.

  2. Under the Principal Axis category, set the Define By property to Hit Point Normal.

  3. Select the Click to Change field of the Hit Point Normal property.

  4. Select the Hit Point Coordinate ( ) option on the Graphics Toolbar. This option displays coordinates as you move the cursor across the model.

  5. In the Geometry window, select a desired point.

  6. Click the Apply option of the Hit Point Normal property.

For more information, see Setting Principal Axis and Orientation.

Creating a Coordinate System Aligned with a Hit Point

To create an aligned coordinate system based on the hit point:

  1. Enable Hit Point Coordinate mode by toggling the Hit Point Coordinate button in the Graphics Toolbar.

  2. In the Geometry window, select a point.

  3. Right-click in the Geometry window and select Create Coordinate System Aligned with Hit Point.

    Mechanical creates a coordinate system on the location of hit point with the primary axis aligning along the hit point normal.

    If a hit point is not defined, Mechanical creates a coordinate system on the location of {0,0,0}, with the axis the same as the global coordinate system.