9.2. Connections Worksheet

When you are working with the Connections object in the tree Outline, you can use the Worksheet window to supplement the Details view by providing a summary of the contact information, joint information, and the connections between geometry bodies. Select the Worksheet option on the Connections Context tab to display the Worksheet window. A Show Preferences option and a Generate option display and enable you to define worksheet data to display and the generate worksheet content.

To toggle on the worksheet:

  1. Select the Worksheet option from the Context tab.

  2. Select the Show Preferences option to view the possible data types.

  3. Select the check boxes for the data types you want to view.

  4. Select the Generate option to generate the content. Ansys Mechanical remembers the display preferences you select and will default to those in future sessions.

    Select Hide Preferences to hide the preferences and Refresh to refresh the worksheet data.


The Worksheet remains displayed as you select different objects within the Connections folder. Selecting an object outside of the folder returns you to the Graphics display. Returning to a Connections object displays the last active data. Any changes require you to regenerate the Worksheet data.

Worksheet Connections Data Types

The data types available in the worksheet are described below. You can turn the displayed properties on and off using the right-click menu.

Contact Information

Displays the properties for each contact.

Joint DOF Checker

Checks the total number of free degrees of freedom and displays the free DOF, based on the number of unsuppressed parts, fixed constraints, and translation joints. If this number is less than 1, the model may be overconstrained, and you should check the model closely and remove any redundant joint constraints. You can use a Redundancy Analysis to detect redundant joint constraints.

Joint Information

Displays the name, type, scope, and status of all joints.

Spring Information

Displays spring connection properties.

Beam Information

Displays beam connection properties.

Connection Matrix

Displays a matrix that represents the connections between bodies in the geometry. These connections are color-coded by type (as shown in the legend). In the Preferences, you can choose the type of data to display, in order to filter out unwanted information. Activate the options by checking the selection box beside the Connection Matrix title. The following options can then be selected or deselected as desired.

  • Show Upper Diagonal

  • Show Diagonal Marker

  • Show Unconnected Bodies

  • Show Suppressed Objects

  • Bundle Connections

The Bundle Connections option is an especially useful tool because it enables you to group Control Connection Types. For example, if you have three Spot Welds contained in the same cell of the matrix, activating the Bundle Connections option displays the spot welds as "3 Spot Welds" instead of displaying the individual names of all three within the cell.

  • The matrix displays a grounded connection as a connection to itself. For example, if a grounded joint is scoped to body1, then it will be displayed in the cell of column body1 and row body1.

  • The Connection Matrix is limited to 200 prototypes.

Control Connection Types

The Control Connection Types display area provides a list of selectable connection features/types that you can choose to display or to not display within the Connection Matrix. Options include:

  • Contact

  • Spot Weld

  • Joint

  • Spring

  • Beam

Context Menu Selection Options

Selecting an item in the table and then right-clicking the mouse provides a menu of the following options, in addition to those associated with the properties of the data types:

  • Go To Selected Items in Tree: the application displays the associated contact object or objects in the Geometry Window.

  • Reset Columns: if you change the order of the table content by clicking on a column title, this option resets the order of the table content.

  • Reset Column Widths: reset the columns to the default width.

  • Edit Column Width: changes column width (in pixels). You can select multiple columns or rows. A value of zero (default) indicates that the setting is program controlled.

  • Export (Connection Matrix Only - see below)

Exporting the Connection Matrix

You can export a text file version of the Connection Matrix from either the Worksheet or the Connections object in the Tree Outline.

To export from the worksheet, right-click the Connection Matrix table and select Export.

To export from the Tree Outline, right-click the Connections object and select Export.