9.1. Connections Folder

The Connections folder is the container for all types of connection objects except for the two types that can be automatically generated (contact and joint). The objects of each of these two types are placed in a sub-folder called the Connection Group folder. The Details pane of the Connections folder is illustrated below.

The Connections folder includes the following categories and properties:


Auto Detection

Generate Automatic Connection On Refresh: Options include Yes (default) and No. This setting turns automatic contact generation on/off when the geometry is refreshed. The process of automatically creating the contact objects is additive. Any existing connection objects of these types that were created manually may be duplicated when the connections are automatically regenerated. To avoid duplication, you should first delete any existing contact objects before the geometry is refreshed.

  • Special conditions apply to updating geometry that includes Spot Welds.

  • The process of automatically creating joint objects is not additive. Any existing joint objects are not duplicated when connections are automatically regenerated.


Enabled: Options include Yes (default) and No. This setting enables or disables the transparency of the bodies not associated with the connection in the graphics display.


This category contains read-only properties that display the number of contact conditions and connection types (defined and active) present in project, including:

  • Contacts

  • Active Contacts

  • Joints

  • Active Joints

  • Beams

  • Active Beams

  • Bearings

  • Active Bearings

  • Springs

  • Active Springs

  • Body Interactions

  • Active Body Interactions

Note:  For large deflection analyses that include a Contact Tool under the Connections folder, a beta feature is available that makes sure that the application incorporates large deflection at both the connection and analysis levels of your simulation.