16.1.7. Creep Controls

Creep is a rate-dependent material nonlinearity in which the material continues to deform under a constant load. You can perform an implicit creep analysis for a static or transient structural analysis. Creep Controls are available in the Details view of the analysis settings for these two environments only after you have selected a creep material for at least one prototype in the analysis.

The Creep Controls group is available for the following analysis types:

Creep controls are step-aware, meaning that you are allowed to set different creep controls for different load steps in a multi-step analysis. If there were multiple load steps in the analysis before you chose the creep material, then choosing the creep material will set the Creep Controls properties to their default value.

The Creep Controls group includes the following properties:

  • Creep Effects: The default value is Off for the first load step and On for all the subsequent load steps. You may change it according to your analysis.

  • Creep Limit Ratio (available only if Creep Effects is set to On): This property issues the Mechanical APDL CUTCONTROL command with your input value of creep limit ratio. (Refer to the CUTCONTROL command description for details). The default value of Creep Limit Ratio is 1. You are allowed to pick any non-negative value.