Uniform Sizing

Uniform sizing does not refine the mesh based on curvature or proximity. Rather, you specify defeature and maximum sizes and gradation is provided between sizes based on a specified growth rate.

Uniform sizing is defined by the following properties:

With uniform sizing, you must use size controls to control mesh sizes locally, as opposed to the curvature and proximity sizing, which refine the sizes locally based on curvature and proximity of features in the geometry. Even if the specified local sizes are Soft sizes, they may override the global sizes when the uniform sizing is being used.

Note:  The Use Uniform Size Function for Sheets enables you to use uniform sizing while you are using other sizing options to refine the mesh for the rest of the model. This setting is available only when the model contains mixed body types (for example, sheet and solid bodies), and when Capture Curvature and/or Capture Proximity is set to Yes.