Arbitrary: User-supplied integrated section properties instead of basic geometry data. Data to be supplied in the User Integrated value fields: A, Ixx, Ixy, Iyy, Iw, J, CGx, CGyz, SHx, SHy
A: Area of section, must be greater than zero.
Ixx: Moment of inertia about the x axis, must be greater than zero.
Ixy: Product of inertia.
Iyy: Moment of inertia about the y axis, must be greater than zero.
Iw: Warping constant.
J: Torsional constant, must be greater than zero.
CGx: X coordinate of centroid.
CGy: Y coordinate of centroid.
SHx: X coordinate of shear center.
SHy:Y coordinate of shear center.
For User Integrated cross sections, there is no sketch representation. When displaying line bodies with their cross sections as solids, line bodies that use the User Integrated cross sections will have no solid representation.
Other Cross Section types: