8.3.5. Additional Notes


The message from the Add-on is issued in both the message window of the Rigid Dynamics project and the Extensions Log File. If errors were seen, the Extensions Log File could include detailed information about the problem. To open the Extensions Log File, go to the Workbench toolbar and select Extensions > View Log File.

Co-simulation Time Integration Method

The time integration method for the co-simulation analysis can be chosen in the Rigid Dynamics project before generating the Rigid Dynamics FMU package.

Model Differences/Requirements

The Add-on and co-simulation program do not request the full consistency between the Aqwa and Rigid Dynamics models except for the model-defined position and orientation. The Add-on can only define the scope which represents the Aqwa structure correctly in the Rigid Dynamics project when the Rigid Dynamics model contains the geometry surface of the Aqwa model. Otherwise, you must manually define the scope of the pin joints, which represents the Aqwa structure.

Co-simulation Time

The time interval of the co-simulation analysis set in the Twin Builder project should be equivalent to the time interval set for the Aqwa FMU package. The start time for the co-simulation analysis will always be zero. The co-simulation time duration will be decided by the Twin Builder project. For more information, see Co-simulation Duration in the Information Setup section.

Co-simulation Platform

Instead of Ansys Twin Builder, other platforms that support FMI 1.0 standards could be attempted to run this co-simulation system while Aqwa and Rigid Dynamics FMU packages are already available.

Manual Definition of the Scope of Pin Joints

When the geometry shape of the model is irregular or you open a project of an older version in the recent version of Workbench, the Aqwa Co-simulation Add-on may be unable to find the joint scope for the pin joints created for the co-simulation. A warning message will pop up instructing you to manually define the corresponding scope for the joint. For the pin joints that have automatically defined joint scopes, it is also advisable to double-check if the scopes of those pin joints have been defined correctly.