8.3. The Aqwa Co-simulation Add-on

A co-simulation system with Ansys Rigid Dynamics is available for the Aqwa solver. This combination of the Rigid Dynamics and Aqwa solvers allows you to create a more powerful simulation. For example, this co-simulation system can solve marine structures which have complex contact, shaft, and gear components, such as a point absorber. This co-simulation system can also conduct Hydro-Aero-Multi-body coupling analyses for floating offshore wind turbines by including AeroDyn, a third-party aerodynamic module from OpenFAST v3.0.0, that provides the ability to compute wind turbine (horizontal axis) aerodynamic responses.

Note:  To access the OpenFAST User Documentation for the version of AeroDyn included in the Ansys installation, see Developing Documentation for more information on how to build the documentation. If you encounter any errors, contact OpenFAST GitHub support for assistance.

As the co-simulation system involves several products communicating simultaneously, some of the setup procedures can be complex. Therefore, the Aqwa Co-simulation Add-on has been developed to simplify the setup process for the co-simulation system.