Submitting System Coupling Jobs to Remote Solve Manager

Tip:  For remote execution of a co-simulation created in Workbench, the recommended workflow is to export the coupling setup from Workbench and then run the co-simulation in System Coupling's GUI or CLI, using System Coupling's parallel processing capabilities to submit jobs for remote execution.

A System Coupling co-simulation may be sent to Remote Solve Manager (RSM) for remote execution either as a full project update or a design point update.

  • Solution cell updates via RSM are not supported for System Coupling; for a System Coupling system's Solution cell, Run in Foreground is the only option available for the Solution Process | Update Option property. As such:

    • If you attempt to solve the coupled analysis by updating System Coupling's Solution cell, then the update will not be sent to RSM, regardless of the Update Option setting for the project or the Parameter Set.

    • Because coupling participant solutions are tied to the update of System Coupling's Solution cell, participant setups should be consistent with System Coupling's setup. Ensure that all participant Solution cells are also set to solve in the foreground.

  • When submitting a job on a machine that uses Microsoft HPC Pack 2019, you may receive an error message indicating that the coupling process failed to start. To address this issue, submit the job on another resource, either by using an earlier version of HPC Pack or by submitting the job on a Linux system.