Graphics Interaction

From Tools > Options > Graphics Interaction, you can specify the following.

Mouse WheelSets the action that the mouse wheel performs when used.
Middle ButtonSets the action that the mouse middle button performs when used.
Right ButtonSets the action that the mouse right button performs when used.
Shift +Left ButtonSets the action that occurs when pressing Shift on the keyboard and clicking the left mouse button simultaneously.
Shift +Middle ButtonSets the action that occurs when pressing Shift on the keyboard and clicking the middle mouse button simultaneously.
Shift +Right ButtonSets the action that occurs when pressing Shift on the keyboard and clicking the right mouse button simultaneously.
Ctrl +Left ButtonSets the action that occurs when pressing Ctrl on the keyboard and clicking the left mouse button simultaneously.
Ctrl +Middle ButtonSets the action that occurs when pressing Ctrl on the keyboard and clicking the middle mouse button simultaneously.
Ctrl +Right ButtonSets the action that occurs when pressing Ctrl on the keyboard and clicking the right mouse button simultaneously.
Ctrl +Shift +Left ButtonSets the action that occurs when pressing Ctrl+Shift on the keyboard and clicking the left mouse button simultaneously.
To Zoom In CloserSets whether to zoom on a model by moving the mouse in or out.
Dynamic Viewing During Rotation

When selected, a short animation shows the model moving/twisting toward its final pose if you make a standard view change (such as front, back, left, right, bottom, top, isometric, and Look At Face/Plane/Sketch).

This check box is selected by default. Clear this check box if you are using an older graphics card.

Use SpaceballWhen selected, enables the use of the Spaceball 3D import device (not supported in UNIX). This check box is selected by default.
Extend Selection Angle LimitSets a limit in degrees for what kind of face and edge angles the system considers smooth. This affects the Extend to Adjacent and Extend to Limits Extend Selection toolbar buttons in DesignModeler. Extend Selection buttons are also present in the Mechanical application.

The default value is 20° and the range is from to 90°.

Angle Increment for Configure ToolSets the angular increment of the Configure tool when defining a joint.