Journals and Logs

From Tools > Options > Journals and Logs, you can specify the following.

Record Journal FileWhen selected, records a journal file (.wbjn) for each Workbench session and enables the other journal options.
Journal File DirectorySelects the directory where journal files are written.

On Windows, the directory preference defaults to %TEMP%\WorkbenchJournals.

On Linux, the directory preference defaults to the following, in order:

  1. $TEMP/WorkbenchJournals

  2. $TMP/WorkbenchJournals

  3. $HOME/.ansys/WorkbenchJournals

If you record a session for future playback, the same information is written to both the location specified here and to the file specified when you begin recording.

Days to Keep Journal FileSets the number of days to keep journal files. The default is 7.
When running a journal file, pause after each commandWhen selected, adds a pause after each command when running a journal file. Also enables the Seconds to Pause field.
Seconds to PauseSets the number of seconds to pause between commands. The default is 1.
Write Workbench Log Files

When selected, writes two log files for each Workbench session and enables the other log file options. The two files are:

  • UIEventsprocID.log

  • CoreEventsprocID.log

where procID is the process ID of the Workbench session. To identify the log file of the most recent session, it is most convenient to sort the directory by date. The log file contains information that is useful to technical support whenever an error is encountered. Other applications may continue to write log files to their own directories, even if launched from Workbench.

Workbench Log Files DirectorySelects the directory where log files are written.

On Windows, the directory preference defaults to %TEMP%\WorkbenchLogs.

On Linux, the directory preference defaults to the following, in order:

  1. $TEMP/WorkbenchLogs

  2. $TMP/WorkbenchLogs

  3. $HOME/.ansys/WorkbenchLogs

The log file directory preference takes effect immediately when the Options dialog is closed.

Days to Keep Workbench Log FileSets the number of days to keep log files. The default is 7.