Injection Molding Data

The Injection Molding Data system allows you to take the data from result-files of injection molding simulations and import it into a Mechanical system. Supported analysis types include Static and Transient Structural; Steady-State and Transient Thermal; Modal and Harmonic Response. File formats of the most popular injection molding software tools are supported. The following quantities can be imported:

  • Residual stresses (before ejection)

  • Weld lines

  • Fiber orientation tensor (for reinforced materials)

  • Fiber volume fraction (for reinforced materials)

The input data is parsed, processed, and then transferred to a downstream Mechanical system where it can be applied in the form of element orientations, material fields, and initial stresses.

When simulating the thermo-mechanical behavior of short fiber reinforced composites, the Injection Molding Data system allows you to import injection molding simulation results from other software tools. It's part of a streamlined workflow in Workbench which also employs Material Designer and Mechanical. You will find detailed instructions and a sample workflow in the Short Fiber Composites Guide.

Supported Formats

In the table below, you will find a list of software tools, their file-types, and whether they are supported.

Mesh File FormatFiber Orientation Tensor File FormatInitial Stress File FormatFiber Volume Fraction File FormatWeld Lines File Format
Autodesk Moldflow[a]Patran Neutral file (.pat) or CDB (generated when exporting initial stresses)

For 3D Meshes:

  • Patran node-based (.nod) and element-based (.ele) formats.

  • Node and element-based XML (.xml) formats.

For Midplane meshes:

  • Element-based XML (.xml) format.

.ist (only for 3D meshes)[b]Not supported.xml, .nod
SigmaSoft[c].ans, .sac.ans, .sac.sac.sacNot supported
Cadmould[c].cof.cofNot supportedNot supportedNot supported
3DTimon[d].cdb.xml.xmlNot supported.xml

[a] Only the 3D and Midplane mesh options are supported. Dual Domain meshes are not supported.

[b] Importing an .ist file in combination with the Patran mesh format is only valid for data in SI units.

[c] To import results from SigmaSoft and Cadmould, you must specify the same file as the Mesh and Fiber Orientation Tensor File.

[d] You must specify the same file as the Fiber Orientation Tensor File, Initial Stress File, and Weld Lines File.


To import injection molding simulation results, do the following:

  1. Drag and drop an Injection Molding Data system onto the project schematic. The Injection Molding Data System is available under the Component systems group of the Workbench application.

  2. Right-click the Setup cell and select Edit (see A, below) to display the Injection Molding Data properties (B, below). Alternatively, right-click the cell and select Properties.

  3. Browse to and select the location of the Mesh File.

  4. Optional: Browse to and add the Fiber Orientation Tensor File.

  5. Optional: Specify the location of the Initial Stress File.

  6. Optional: Specify the location of the Fiber Volume Fraction File.

  7. Optional: Specify the location of the Weld Lines File.

  8. If needed, apply a Rigid Transformation to the input data by specifying the translation and/or rotation components. Transformations are applied in the following order:

    • Rotation about the Y Axis (Theta ZX)

    • Rotation about the X Axis (Theta YZ)

    • Rotation about the Z Axis (Theta XY)

    • Translations

    Because of the order of rotations, the angles Theta XY/YZ/ZX can be considered as intrinsic ZXY Euler angles.

  9. Connect to Mechanical:

    • To transfer fiber orientation tensor, volume fraction, and weld lines data to Mechanical, drag the Setup cell of the Injection Molding Data system and drop it onto the Model cell of a Mechanical system.

    • To transfer initial stress data to Mechanical, drag the Setup cell of the Injection Molding Data system and drop it onto the Setup cell of a Mechanical System.

      You can combine the two transfers by right-clicking the Setup cell of the Injection Molding Data cell and choosing Transfer Data to New in the context menu.