Submitting Fluent Jobs to Remote Solve Manager

You can use this feature to queue multiple jobs to run on the local machine (overnight, for example, or during other low-usage times), or to submit a job to a remote cluster or Cloud portal.

Note:  Fluent has the following limitations when used with Remote Solve Manager:

  • Only one copy of a saved project that is in the pending state can reconnect successfully.

  • System Coupling is not supported.

  • UDFs are supported but you must have a supported compiler on Windows 64-bit machines. Supported compilers for Windows are Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Standard and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional.

  • On Linux, UDFs are supported. You can always send UDFs between Linux machines and make use of the auto-compile feature; if the machines have compatible compilers, you can send precompiled UDFs.

For additional information about compiling Fluent UDFs, see Compiling UDFs in the Fluent Customization Manual.

In the Solution Process pane:

  1. Configure your remote solution settings in Remote Solve Manager. For more information see RSM Configuration in the Remote Solve Manager User's Guide.

  2. In Workbench, right-click the Solution cell and select Properties.

  3. In the Solution Process settings, set the Update Option to Submit to Remote Solve Manager.

  4. Select a RSM Queue.

  5. Set the Execution Mode to either Serial or Parallel.

    For a parallel solution, specify the Number of Processes that you want to use to create the results file. You should specify a number that is less than or equal to the number of cores available in the cluster, and you should ensure that each process contains at least 100,000 nodes or elements.

  6. Update the project.

    An update of the Solution cell submits the job to RSM, moves into Pending mode for the duration of the solution, and then automatically reconnects at the end of the run.

    You can interrupt or abort an update by right-clicking the Solution cell. These options are available during foreground, background and RSM updates.

Solution Properties: Use Setup Launcher Settings

The Properties pane of the Fluent Solution cell has a toggle that controls whether the solution uses settings from the setup launcher. When Use Setup Launcher Settings is checked, the launcher settings are copied from Setup component to Solution component. This copying also happens any time you change the launcher settings in setup. When Use Setup Launcher Settings is cleared, the Solution cell's launcher settings are available:

Setting NameDefaultApplicable to Remote Solve Manager (RSM)
PrecisionSingle PrecisionYes
Show Launcher at StartupEnabled No
Display Mesh After ReadingEnabledYes
Embed Graphics WindowEnabledYes
Use Workbench Color SchemeEnabledYes
Set up Compilation Environment for UDFEnabledNo
Use Job SchedulerDisabledNo
Run Parallel VersionThe initial default execution mode (Serial / Parallel) is based on the run settings. The initial number of processes in RSM is based on the Number of Processors option in the run settings: if it is > 1, that value is used, otherwise 2 is used. If Run Parallel Version is not enabled, then serial mode is forced.Yes
UDF Compilation Script Path$(FLUENT_ROOT)\$(ARCH)\udf.batNo
Use Remote Linux NodesEnabledNo
Remote Polyflow Root PathNoneNo
Use Specified Remote Working DirectoryEnabledNo
Remote Working DirectoryNoneNo
Remote Spawn CommandRSHNo
Use Remote Cluster Head NodeEnabledNo
Remote Host NameNoneNo
Parallel Run Settings
Number of Processors1No


Note:  You can enable Interconnect to be available for Polyflow RSM runs by enabling Tools > Options > Solution Process > Show Advanced Solver Options. This setting requires you to ensure that the remote Compute servers can accept the interconnect that you specify—there is no automatic checking for such compatibility.

To learn what values are available, see Starting Parallel Ansys Fluent on a Windows System Using Command Line Options in the Fluent User's Guide.

MPI TypeNoneNo

Note:  You can enable MPI Type to be available for Polyflow RSM runs by enabling Tools > Options > Solution Process > Show Advanced Solver Options. This setting requires you to ensure that the remote Compute servers can accept the MPI Type that you specify—there is no automatic checking for such compatibility.

To learn what values are available, see Starting Parallel Ansys Fluent on a Windows System Using Command Line Options in the Fluent User's Guide.

Use Shared Memory Disabled No
Machine SpecificationFile containing the machine listNo
Machine FilenameNoneNo
Solution Process
The Solution cell's Solution Process setting is always displayed; when Use Setup Launcher Settings is checked, the option is read-only:
Update OptionYou can choose to Run in Foreground, Run in Background, or Submit to Remote Solve Manager. When Submit to Remote Solve Manager is chosen, options that are not applicable to RSM are hidden. Also, fluentlauncher.txt does not contain options that conflict with RSM.