5.3.7. Polyline Command Polyline: Geometry Tab

A polyline object is a set of connected line segments that connect a series of points. To create a polyline, select Insert > User Defined > Polyline from the main menu.

Available methods of creating a polyline are:

  • From File

  • Boundary Intersection

The file format for a polyline is shown below:

Polyline 1
X [ m ], Y [ m ], Z [ m ], Area [ m^2 ], Density [ kg m^-3 ]
-1.04539007e-01, 1.68649014e-02, 5.99999987e-02, 0.00000000e+00, ...
-9.89871025e-02, 3.27597000e-02, 5.99999987e-02, 0.00000000e+00, ...
0, 1
1, 2
Polyline 2

In this example, the two lines containing data are shown word-wrapped onto the next line. In the actual file, all data for a given point must be on a single line.

The name of each locator is listed under the Name section. Point coordinates and the corresponding variable values are stored in the Data section. Line connectivity data is listed in the Lines section; this data makes reference to the points that are defined in the Data section. For this purpose, point numbering in the Data section is consecutive, starting at zero.

Comments in the file are preceded by # (or ## for the CFX-5.6 polyline format) and can appear anywhere in the file.

Blank lines are ignored and can appear anywhere in the file (except between the line "[Data]" and first line of data following it). Polyline: Color Tab

See Color Tab for details. Polyline: Render Tab

See Render Tab for details.