5.3.6. Isosurface Command

An isosurface object is a surface upon which a particular variable has a constant value, called the "level". To create a new Isosurface, select Insert > User Defined > Isosurface from the main menu. Isosurface: Geometry Tab Domains

Select the domain(s) in which the isosurface will exist. Isosurface Definition

Set Variable to one of the available variables for defining the isosurface. Type in the variable value, set it using the embedded slider, or click in the box, click Enter Expression   (to the right of the box), and enter an expression. Set appropriate units for the variable. The isosurface connects all locations with the specified variable value. Hybrid/Conservative

The option of using hybrid or conservative values is available. Unless you are postprocessing CFD results using Ansys TurboGrid, this option can be ignored. For details, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values. Isosurface: Color Tab

See Color Tab for details.

Note:  You may color the isosurface using any variable or choose a constant color. You should not select the Local range option when coloring an isosurface with the variable used to define it. In this case the local range is zero by definition, so a plot would be colored according to the effects of round-off error. Isosurface: Render Tab

See Render Tab for details.