1.3.3. Color Tab Mode

The Color tab controls the color of objects in the viewer. The color can be either constant or based on a variable. Select one of the two options for Mode.

  • Select Constant to specify a single color for an object. To choose a color, click the   icon to the right of the Color box.

  • Select Variable to plot a variable on an object (maximum face angle on a plane, for example).

  • Select Use Plot Variable (available for some plots, including an isosurface) to color an object by the same variable used to define it. Variable

Choose the variable to plot from the Variable drop-down list. The drop-down list of variables contains the most commonly used variables. For a full list of variables, click the   icon. Range

Click   next to the Range box to see the available methods for defining the range of the variable used to define the plot. This affects the variation of color used when plotting the object in the viewer. The lowest values of a variable in the selected range are shown in blue in the viewer, the highest values are shown in red.

  • Global uses the range of the variable over all domains (regardless of the domains selected on the Geometry tab) to determine the minimum and maximum values.

  • Local uses the range of the variable over the current object to determine the minimum and maximum values. This option is useful for utilizing the full color range on the object.

  • Using User Specified, enter the minimum and maximum values for the contours. This option is useful to concentrate the full color range in a specific variable range. The variable values can be typed in, set using the embedded slider or, by clicking the   icon to the right of the Units box, entered as an expression. Click   in the box to the right of the variable value to see the available units for the variable(s). Hybrid and Conservative Values

Select whether the plotted object is based on hybrid or conservative values of the variable used for coloring. Undefined Color

Any areas in which the variable is not defined (when a section of an object lies outside of the computational domain, for example) use the color specified in the Undef. Color box. Click the   icon to the right of this box, to change the undefined color.