5.3.8. Surface Command

To create a user surface, select Insert > User Defined > Surface from the main menu. User Surface: Geometry Tab Method

Choose one of the available methods for defining a user surface:

  • From File

    Select the From File alternative when you are not able to create the required surface using the Boundary Intersection method. This more versatile option reads data describing the surface from a file. The points may have path variables (variables that are only defined on the surface) associated with them. For details on the required format for a surface data file, see Surface Data Format. Click the browse icon to open an Import dialog box and browse to the surface data file. Alternatively, you can type the path and filename into the Input File box.

  • Boundary Intersection

    Boundary Intersection forms a user surface where a given locator intersects a specified list of boundaries. The Domains setting specifies the domains in which this user surface exists. To select multiple boundaries for the Boundary List, click   and hold Ctrl as you select each boundary. Set Location to one of the existing graphic objects.

    The user surface consists of mesh element faces on the specified boundaries, for the mesh elements that are intersected by the locator. The user surface is usually narrow with a varying width. The fluctuation in width is more noticeable in a coarser mesh. Surface Data Format

When the From File method is selected, an external file must exist that defines the surface. A set of surfaces can be defined in a simple text file with the following format.

## Comment line - optional.
## List of path variables
# <varName1>
# <varName2>
# ...
## List of point locations with path variable values
## Each line in the following list is numbered 0,1,2...
<X> <Y> <Z> <Var1Value> <Var2Value> ...
<X> <Y> <Z> <Var1Value> <Var2Value> ...
## Next line is a keyword that starts the definition of faces
# Faces
## List of 3 - 6 point numbers to define faces.
<Point0> <Point1> <Point2>
<Point1> <Point2> <Point3> <Point4> <Point5> <Point6>

Comments in the file are preceded by ## and can appear anywhere in the file. A single # does not indicate a comment; words appearing after a single # are keywords such as Faces.

The start of the file should begin with a list of path variables (up to 256 characters, spaces allowed). These are variables that are only defined on the user surface. Ensure that the names of these variables do not conflict with the names of existing variables. There is no need to define any path variables (if you just want to define the location of a user surface), in which case the file begins with the point location values.

The point location list in X Y Z format follows the optional path variable list. You must also include a value for each path variable that you have defined at the start of the file (if any). Surfaces are defined by typing # Faces followed by lists of 3 (triangle) to 6 (hexagon) points to define each surface. Each surface is automatically closed by connecting the last point to the first point. The list of point locations are numbered 0,1,2....n-1 where n is the number of points in the list. When defining faces, use these numbers to reference the points in the point location list. The faces specification is not optional.

Blank lines are ignored and can appear anywhere in the file.

The following example defines one quadrilateral face with two path variables at each point of the face:

# Time
# MyVar
1 1 1 1.2 500
1 2 1 2.1 200
2 2 1 3.4 300
2 1 1 4.65 400
# Faces
0 1 2 3 User Surface: Color Tab

See Color Tab for details. User Surface: Render Tab

See Render Tab for details. Surface Groups

Surface groups are produced automatically when a mesh is generated. They are found in the 3D Mesh branch of the object selector. Each surface group shows a surface of the mesh. The available surface groups vary according to the number of blades, the types of leading and trailing edges, and a user preference. A representative list follows:


  • One of the following two sets of surface groups, depending on user preference Enable regions based on high and low blade geometry, which is found under Edit > Options > TurboGrid:

    • With the preference selected:

      [blade name] LOWBLADE GEO LOW, [blade name] LOWBLADE GEO HIGH, [blade name] HIGHBLADE GEO LOW, [blade name] HIGHBLADE GEO HIGH

    • With the preference not selected:

      [blade name] HIGHBLADE, [blade name] LOWBLADE

    If the blade set contains more than one blade, the blade name is included in each surface group name. LOWBLADE and HIGHBLADE refer to sides of the blade, as divided according to the mesh topology. For example, the superset of all LOWBLADE surface groups for a particular blade forms a surface that is mainly on the low-theta side of the blade. GEO LOW and GEO HIGH refer to sides of the blade, as divided by the leading and trailing edges, considering the centroid of each mesh element face on the blade surface. For example, the superset of all GEO LOW surface groups for a particular blade forms a surface, the face centroids of which are all on the low-theta side of the blade between the leading and trailing edges.

  • [blade name] BLADE LE, [blade name] BLADE TE

    If there is one blade in the blade set, then the surface groups BLADE TE and BLADE LE will be available, as applicable, after generating a mesh. These surface groups are applicable only for cut-off or square leading/trailing edges. If there are two or more blades in the blade set, the surface group names start with the blade name. For example, if there are two blades named Main and Splitter, and the trailing edge of Main is cut-off, and the leading and trailing edges of Splitter are cut-off, then surface groups Main BLADE TE, Splitter BLADE LE and Splitter BLADE TE will be available after generating a mesh.



"LOW" refers to low Theta value and "HIGH" refers to high Theta value.

A visibility check box next to each surface group enables you to control which are displayed.

Besides the visibility, you may also change the color and render properties for each surface group. Surface Group: Definition Tab

You may view the Domains and Locations information on the Definition tab. Surface Group: Color Tab

See Color Tab for details. Surface Group: Render Tab

See Render Tab for details.