5.3.2. Line Command

A line locator can exist between two points anywhere within or outside the domain. To create a new line, select Insert > User Defined > Line from the main menu. Line: Geometry Tab Domains

Select the domain(s) in which the line will exist. Line Definition

Lines are created by defining two points. To set the coordinates, first click one of the point coordinate boxes. The point coordinates will be displayed with a yellow background, and the viewer will switch to picking mode. You can then pick a point directly by clicking a visible object in the viewer. The point can lie outside of the domain.

You can alternatively set the coordinates one at a time by typing in the coordinates and/or using the embedded slider that appears beneath the coordinate boxes. Line Type

Set the Line Type to either Cut or Sample.

  • Cut extends the line in both directions until it reaches the edge of the domain. Points on the line correspond to points where the line intersects a mesh element face. As a result, the number of points on the line is indirectly proportional to the mesh spacing.

  • Sample creates the line between the two specified points. The sample line is a set of evenly-spaced sampling points that are independent of the mesh spacing. The number of points along the line corresponds to the value in the Samples box.

Picking Mode can be used to select and/or translate lines in the viewer. For details, see Viewer Toolbar. Line: Color Tab

See Color Tab for details. Line: Render Tab

See Render Tab for details.