5.3.5. Volume Command

A volume object is a collection of mesh elements; it can be created anywhere within the domain. To create a new volume, select Insert > User Defined > Volume from the main menu. Volume: Geometry Tab Domains

Select the domain(s) in which the volume will exist. Volume Definition

The available methods for defining a volume are described next:

  • Sphere

    Create a volume in the shape of a sphere by defining the center point and radius for the sphere.

    To set the coordinates of the center points, first click one of the point coordinate boxes. The point coordinates will be displayed with a yellow background, and the viewer will switch to picking mode. You can then pick a point directly by clicking a visible object in the viewer. The point can lie outside of the domain.

    You can alternatively set the coordinates one at a time by typing in the coordinates and/or using the embedded slider that appears beneath the coordinate boxes.

    Type in the radius value or set it using the embedded slider. Ensure that the units are set correctly. When Mode is set to Intersection, the volume consists of all elements that intersect the sphere surface. When Mode is set to Below Intersection or Above Intersection, the volume consists of all elements that are "below" or "above" the sphere surface, respectively. If the Inclusive check box is selected, all elements that intersect the sphere surface are added to the volume.

  • From Surface

    Create a volume using an existing surface. Set Location to one or more of the available surfaces for defining the volume (use Ctrl to multi-select). When Mode is set to Intersection, the volume consists of all elements that intersect the sphere surface. When Mode is set to Below Intersection or Above Intersection, the volume consists of all elements that are "below" or "above" the sphere surface, respectively. If the Inclusive check box is selected, all elements that intersect the sphere surface are added to the volume.

  • Isovolume

    Create a volume based on the value(s) of a variable. Click   next to the variable box to see the available variables for defining the volume. Type in the value(s), set the value(s) using the embedded slider, or click in the box, click Enter Expression   to the right of the box, then enter the value(s) as an expression. Set the units for the variable(s) appropriately. When Mode is set to At Value, the volume consists of all elements having the defined variable value. When Mode is set to Below Value or Above Value, the volume consists of all elements that are "below" or "above" the defined variable value, respectively. When Mode is set to Between Values, the volume consists of all elements that are "between" the defined variable values. If the Inclusive check box is selected, the elements having the defined variable value are added to the volume. Hybrid/Conservative

For volumes made with Method set to Isovolume, the option of using hybrid or conservative values is available. Unless you are postprocessing CFD results using Ansys TurboGrid, this option can be ignored. For details, see Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values.

Note:  Volumes are not displayed as perfect shapes (for example, a perfect sphere) because mesh elements are either included or excluded from the volume. Volume: Color Tab

See Color Tab for details. Volume: Render Tab

See Render Tab for details.