Generating Data for Target Locations

After System Coupling has associated source and target locations, it generates data on the mapped target location, and when applicable, the unmapped target locations.

When data is transferred to the target location, its fidelity is limited by the least-resolved side of the interface. For example, if the target mesh is significantly coarser than the source mesh, then fine-scale features of the source solution may be missed in mapping. Similarly, if the target mesh is significantly finer than the source mesh, then the target data may exhibit pathologies due to the coarseness of the source mesh (that is, piece-wise constant or linear variation of source data may be apparent over groups of elements on the target side).

Generating Data on Overlapping Locations

System Coupling calculates mapping weights and then uses the weights to interpolate the source data onto the target.

The algorithm System Coupling uses is determined by the type of mapping being performed plus the topologies of involved participant regions. Available data-generation algorithms are listed below.

Profile-Preserving Mapping

Shape Functions

For profile-preserving mapping from surface source mesh regions to surface target mesh regions, mapping weights are generated using shape functions.

Note:  System Coupling's interpolation is always at least as accurate as the interpolation used by the source participant solver. For details, see the relevant participant product documentation.

Radial Basis Functions

For profile-preserving mapping from volume regions to volume regions, mapping weights are generated using radial basis functions.

For volume-to-volume mapping with source data on elements, an element-based RBF algorithm maps the data to overlapping locations.

Element-Weighted Averages

For profile-preserving mapping from volume mesh regions to 2D surface mesh regions, weights are generated using an element-weighted average.

Conservative Mapping


For conservative mapping with any combination of topologies, mapping weights are generated by intersecting the source and target mesh elements, followed by transferring of the data from source to target, based on the extent to which the source and target elements are overlapping.

Generating Data on Non-Overlapping Locations

System Coupling handles the lack of associated source data according to the type of mapping being performed plus the topologies of involved participant regions.

Note:  The concept of "non-overlapping" locations is not applicable for point clouds.

Conservative Mapping

Non-overlapping target elements are assigned a value of zero.

Profile-Preserving Mapping

Target data is generated on non-overlapping target locations based on the values of other mapped locations. The method used is determined by the topology of the target region, as follows:

  • Copy or extrapolate target values from overlapping locations on the target side (depending on the value of the UnmappedValueOption setting)

    This method is used when the source and target both consist of surface mesh regions.

  • Copy the value from the nearest source-side location

    This method is used for all other mapping algorithms.

Mapping Algorithms by Mapping Type, Topology, and Region Discretization Type

The table below shows the different association and target data generation algorithms for profile-preserving and conservative mapping between regions with different topology/region discretization type combinations.

Mapping TypeTopologyRegion Discretization TypeTarget Data Generation
SourceTargetSourceTargetOn Overlapping Locations (Mapping Weights)On Non-Overlapping Locations





Element-Weighted Averages

Calculated from Overlapping Target Locations1





Shape Functions

Calculated from Overlapping Target Locations1

Point Cloud

Point Cloud

Radial Basis Functions


Point CloudMeshRadial Basis FunctionsN/A
MeshPoint CloudShape FunctionsN/A





Radial Basis Functions

Nearest Source Point Value3

Point Cloud

Point Cloud

Radial Basis Functions



Point Cloud

Radial Basis Functions

Nearest Source Point Value3

Point CloudMeshRadial Basis Functions

Nearest Source Point Value3







Zero value






Zero value






Zero value

1: For profile-preserving mapping onto a target surface, target values can be either copied or extrapolated from the nearest target-side node, depending on the value of the UnmappedValueOption setting.

2: When source data are on element centroids and the element's neighborhood (surrounding elements that share a face with it), an element-based version of the Radial Basis Function algorithm is used.

3: May be either element centroid or nodal values.

Profile-Preserving Mapping Algorithms

For data transfers of intensive variables, the following algorithms are used to generate data for mapped target locations:

Shape Functions

For transfers of intensive variables between surfaces, Shape Functions are used to generate target data for mapped locations. The type of shape functions selected are determined by the source mesh provided by the coupling participant. System Coupling uses linear shape functions for source meshes with linear elements, and quadratic shape functions for source meshes with quadratic elements.

Quantities located on source mesh nodes are mapped to target mesh nodes, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 35: Example input and output for Shape Function mapping

Example input and output for Shape Function mapping

Mapping weights are generated using finite element shape functions of the source element associated with each target node, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 36: Mapping weights generated for a target node, based upon its projection onto a source element via Shape Function mapping

Mapping weights generated for a target node, based upon its projection onto a source element via Shape Function mapping

Radial Basis Functions

For transfers of intensive variables between volumes, Radial Basis Functions (RBF) are used to generate target data for overlapping target locations.

The location of the source data determines the RBF algorithm used to map data to overlapping target mesh locations (either element centroids, mesh nodes, or point cloud nodes), as illustrated in the diagrams below.

  • When source points are on mesh nodes:

    • A node-based RBF algorithm maps the data to overlapping target locations.

    • Non-overlapping target locations receive values from the nearest source point value.

  • When source points are on element centroids:

    • An element-based RBF algorithm maps the data to overlapping target locations.

    • Non-overlapping target locations receive values from the centroid of the intersecting element.

Generation of target data on non-overlapping locations is not applicable for point cloud-to-point cloud mapping.

  • For volumes, the element-based RBF algorithm, which performs mapping directly on the element centroids, is used by default. A beta setting allows you to revert to the node-based RBF algorithm, which reconstructs elemental data on element nodes and then performs mapping on the reconstructed data.

  • For surfaces, the element-based RBF algorithm is available as a beta feature.

Note:  For details, see Activate System Coupling Hidden Features.

Figure 37: Example input and output for Radial Basis Function mapping

Example input and output for Radial Basis Function mapping

Mapping weights are generated using radial basis functions (RBFs) for the source nodes or centroids that define the associated source elements. Example weights are shown in the figure below.

Figure 38: Example mapping weights wi generated for a target node (T), based on the distance to nodes with the associated source elements Si via Radial Basis Function mapping

Example mapping weights wi generated for a target node (T), based on the distance to nodes with the associated source elements Si via Radial Basis Function mapping

Element-Weighted Averages

For transfers of intensive variables from a volume to a surface, Element-Weighted Averages are used to generate target data for mapped locations.

Quantities located on the source mesh nodes are mapped to target mesh nodes, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 39: Example input and output for Element-Weighted Average mapping

Example input and output for Element-Weighted Average mapping

Intersection points are created by projecting the target (surface) nodes through the source (volume) elements. Mapping weights are generated by taking a length-weighted average of the line segment within each intersecting volume element. For an illustration, see the figure below.

Figure 40: Mapping weights generated for a target node (T), based upon its extrusion onto source elements via Element Weighted Average mapping. Representative weight calculation is shown for node 3; other weights are computed in a similar manner.

Mapping weights generated for a target node (T), based upon its extrusion onto source elements via Element Weighted Average mapping. Representative weight calculation is shown for node 3; other weights are computed in a similar manner.

Conservative Mapping Algorithms

For data transfers of extensive variables, the Intersection algorithms are used to generate target data. There are two variations of this algorithm, and the variation used is determined by participant region topologies

Intersection Algorithm for Surface-to-Surface and Volume-to-Volume Mapping

This version of the Intersection algorithm is used when extensive variables are transferred between two surfaces or between two volumes.

Data located on the source mesh elements are mapped to target mesh elements, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 41: Example input and output for conservative mapping between surfaces or between volumes

Example input and output for conservative mapping between surfaces or between volumes

Mapping weights are generated based upon information extracted from intersecting the target element with the source elements. In particular, the size of each intersected region relative to the size of the respective source element is used, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 42: Mapping weights generated for a target element, based on its intersection with source elements between like topologies

Mapping weights generated for a target element, based on its intersection with source elements between like topologies

Intersection Algorithm for Surface-to-Volume and Volume-to-Surface Mapping

This version of the Intersection algorithm is used for unlike topologies (that is, applied when the Extrusion association method is used) is used when extensive variables are transferred from a surface to a volume.

Data located on the source mesh elements are mapped to target mesh elements, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 43: Example input and output for conservative mapping for Intersection for surface-to-volume mapping. Circled values are the total for the elements.

Example input and output for conservative mapping for Intersection for surface-to-volume mapping. Circled values are the total for the elements.

When the target (surface) elements are extruded onto source (volume) elements, intersections are created between the resulting target (pseudo-volumetric) elements and the source (volume) elements. Mapping weights are generated by taking a volume-weighted average of the intersecting volume between the target and source elements. For an illustration, see the figure below.

Figure 44: Mapping weights generated for a target node, based upon its extrusion onto a target element via the Intersection algorithm for surface-to-volume mapping

Mapping weights generated for a target node, based upon its extrusion onto a target element via the Intersection algorithm for surface-to-volume mapping