Review Force Results

Review force results as described in the following sections:

Review Force in the Transcript

Review the Sum values recorded for the Force transfer in the final coupling iteration to verify that the displacements sent by CFX match those received by Mechanical.

Figure 54: Force reported in the Transcript at Coupling Step 100, Iteration 5

| COUPLING STEP = 100                       SIMULATION TIME = 1.00000E+01 [s] |
|                                     |      Source            Target         |

| MAPDL Transient                     |                                       |
|   Interface: CouplingInterface 1    |                                       |
|     Force                           |         Not yet converged             |
|       RMS Change                    |     3.54E-03          2.50E-03        |
|       Sum x                         |     2.16E-01          2.16E-01        |
|       Sum y                         |     1.78E-02          1.78E-02        |
|       Sum z                         |     9.41E-07          9.41E-07        |

Visualize Force Per-Unit-Area in EnSight

In EnSight, visualize the application of CFX-generated force-per-unit-area to the structural region. To do so:

  1. Apply the Force_per_unit_area__EV variable to the Mechanical target region.

  2. Add force vector arrows.

  3. Animate the results.

The animation shows how the motion of the fluid applies forces per-unit-area on the structural side of the plate over the duration of the co-simulation, with the arrows showing the vector of applied forces.

Figure 55: Animation of Force per-unit-area with force vectors

Animation of Force per-unit-area with force vectors