LiveVisualization (object)

Use the LiveVisualization object to define live visualization objects for live postprocessing in EnSight.

Note:  Currently, System Coupling supports the use of only a single live visualization object.

  • In System Coupling's GUI, live visualization objects are assigned default names according to the convention LiveVisualization<#>, where "#" is first positive integer which yields a unique name.

  • In System Coupling's CLI, you may give a live visualization object any name you wish, provided that it conforms to System Coupling's object naming rules.

Live Visualization Object Names
  • In System Coupling's GUI, live visualization objects are assigned default names according to the convention LiveVisualization<#>, where "#" is first positive integer which yields a unique name.

  • In System Coupling's CLI, you may give a live visualization object any name you wish, provided that it conforms to System Coupling's object naming rules.

For more information, see Postprocessing with EnSight Live Visualization Results in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Output Control | Live Visualization branch.

*Option (setting)

Available when a live visualization object exists. Controls both whether the live visualization object is enabled and the frequency with which results are generated.

Possible values depend on whether the analysis is step-based or iteration-based, as follows:

Options available for all analyses:
  • ProgramControlled (default value)

    Live visualization is disabled.

  • Off

    Live visualization is disabled.

Options available for step-based analyses:

Note:  Step-based analyses are transient analyses or steady-state analyses that include one or more participants of type AEDT, CFX, MAPDL, or EXTERNALDATA.

  • LastStep (default value)

    Live visualization is enabled. System Coupling generates results only for the last coupling step completed.

  • EveryStep

    Live visualization is enabled. System Coupling generates results at the end of every coupling step.

  • StepInterval

    Live visualization is enabled. System Coupling generates results at the end of coupling steps at the interval specified by the OutputFrequency setting.

Options available for iteration-based analyses:

Note:  Iteration-based analyses are transient analyses or steady-state analyses that do not include one or more participants of type AEDT, CFX, MAPDL, or EXTERNALDATA.

  • LastIteration (default value)

    Live visualization is enabled. System Coupling generates results only for the last coupling iteration completed.

  • EveryIteration

    Live visualization is enabled. System Coupling generates results at the end of every coupling iteration.

  • IterationInterval

    Live visualization is enabled. System Coupling generates results at the end of coupling iteration at the interval specified by the OutputFrequency setting.

For more information on step-based versus iteration-based analyses, see System Coupling Analysis Types in the System Coupling User's Guide.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Output Control | Live Visualization | Option setting.

*OutputFrequency (setting)

Available when OutputControl.LiveVisualization.Option is set to StepInterval or IterationInterval.

Specifies the frequency with which results are generated.

For example, with a value of 2, System Coupling generates a restart point at the end of every other coupling step or coupling iteration.

Accepts integer values greater than or equal to 1. Default value is 1.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Output Control | Live Visualization | Output Frequency setting.

*WriteResults (setting)

Controls whether live visualization results are cached for future use.

Possible values:

  • False (default)

    Live visualization results are not cached.

  • True

    Live visualization results are cached.

Tip:  Shown in the GUI as the Output Control | Live Visualization | Write Results setting.